Portion Mishpatim : Why I Yelled at those Kids last night
- פרטים
- קטגוריה: Parashat Hashavua
- פורסם ברביעי, 15 פברואר 2023 23:42
- נכתב על ידי Super User
- כניסות: 447
In this , the portion of Laws after sinai , we have
Portion Beshalach : Between Chanuka (Goats) and Passover (Lambs)
So what is there "between" the two? PURIM (which is creeping up on us)
From the teachings on the Talmud by Yosef Chaim (the famous Iraqi chief rabbi) ... ...
In his book: Ben Yehoyada discussinge Talmud Pesachim ( page 57) :
the Royals argued ... Years after the Maccabees took over
(Chashmonai means "descended from the Maccabees")
The Maccabee King and Queen involved the Kohen Gadol - High Priest -
into their debate - On what is the best mèat - Goat or lamb!!!
(See in a minute why this is relevant to the portion this week)
The King felt - we need to be tough like goats
The Queen said- we need to be mercifully soft like Sheep
The High Priest just said: "Of course sheep are tastier-
Because The Almighty wants us to be merciful-
If Possible - like passive Passover sheep.
The King said its a good idea ...
But not possible if we fight against the OUTSIDE trying to subdue us.
But what happened?
That king punished the High Priest! Who should have known better to
Make the Kingdom Work Better.
Portion Beshalach - Reminding us of Passover - where the Almighty
Freed us to be a light unto the world.
The Maccabees - 60 or 70 years after throwing out the Greeks
Started Internal Fights over EVERYTHING
Just like the Greeks did.. and so
then the Romans came in - And Destroyed the Holy Temple
In our portion, We Left Egypt -To start A New World.
But many world rulers since then have missed the points -
That G-d and Freedom are not mutually exclusive!
And so today ....? What can WE all do? To return to "Exodus Judaism" ???
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz
תשובהתשובה לכולםהעברה
to quote Chaya Sora Jungreis :Eisav appears and reappears with different names, and in different guises. Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Crusaders, Cossacks, Communists, Nazis, – and today’s White Nationalists. The name is always changing, but the goal remains the same.To break us ...BUT CHANUKA IS COMING UP!Chanukah shows usthat our oppressors through the ages are gone, but we are here, Am Yisroel endures! And how...Abraham was a General.Isaac was politically SAVVY.Jacob was not weak - he was wise AND a leader - and his children were all powerful.We beat all those who sought to destroy us - and we shall endure -but THEY - and ALL OF US MADE MISTAKES TOO.We are all human - but have the ABILITY TO RISE ABOVE PETTINESS (though eventually the Maccabbees blew it)and to love and teach those around us - family, community, nations ALLThat the Children of Israel have a message -for the children of Israel- and the world.Shabbat shalom from Rabbi Andy Eichenholz back in New York