Portion Shemote - after 230 days of reserve duty for a school principal?
- פרטים
- קטגוריה: Parashat Hashavua
- פורסם בשישי, 17 ינואר 2025 09:26
- נכתב על ידי Super User
- כניסות: 50
Portion VaYeeGash and
Those Darn Houtis missiles - woke up my little daughter 430 AM
All they do is call down more hell on their half of Yemen!
And prove what sickos they Iran and Turkey leaders are.
The Torah, however , is eternal
Portion VaYeeGash and proving Chanuka : Treasure Trove Of Hasmonean Era Coins Found On Chanukah In the Jordan valley. (See below link)
So a little story here (from Alon last night)
And a connection to Rabbi Bachya's explanations on the portion, who wrote that
On the way down to Egypt, Jacob sacrifices to the Almighty -
Elokei yitzchak - G-d of Isaac, his father
As Rabeinu bBachya ben Asher ( not the other one) says,
Not to the G-d of Avraham. ..
Because Jacob received the powers of Isaac
And the blessings of a return to Israel from various exiles-
From his father Isaac
Grandfather Father and little son are taken to Auschwitz
And father decides when he is liberated that
he wants nothing more of Judaism
And brings up the little boy who also miraculously survived
With no religion
For the boy's 13th birthday they go shopping for a gift and in the store the boy sees a cheap old menorah, the boy grabs it and asks his father what it is
Dad angrily grabs it away from him
And they fight over it
And naturally it falls and BREAKS .. revealing some
Hebrew name on a piece of paper
Reading it out loud, the father says "I don't know if any one will survive this place –
but if anyone is still alive and finds this,
My name is Zecharia ben Asher and I hope that some Jewish person will Some Day
Say kaddish for me.
The Dad faints
It is HIS father's name
Of course it made a difference in their lives!
So let me ask...
Ðo Jews still listen to American News reports like that Monday about 1110 pm we all were attacked by another Houtie missile
That every day a fèw missiles are still shot out of hiding places in Gaza?
Does anyone really believe the Chanuka story?
See the proof
Does anyone believe that Joseph was the viceroy - king's second in command - in Egypt
I have trouble absorbing the miracle of Israel controlling all the former flash points in Syria (some of which I visited in the early 1970's)
See below
Soldiers playing in the snow this week
*לַחֲדָשׁוֹת שְׂמֵחוֹת*
We are being reminded of the miracle of being Jewish
But also the price we pay in soldiers lost
And children crying when the sirens go off at night – to protect us from falling debris.
We will need to rebuild what Iran has inspired their followers to destroy.
And the portion begins "And Judah got close to Joseph to speak…"
It is typicalAram's king kills jewish kings - descended from Joseph AND King DavidPortion VaYayShev : King of Joseph or King of Judah - see address link above the Tel Dan Stele, oldest archaeological evidence of King DavidAndThe miracles of today - and yesterday.I woke up to flashes outside - were they rockets? Or lightning. So I prayed for rain.As per request of the Chief Rabbinate here...And went outside to the local Shul to start the new Tractate of Talmud - Sanhedrin - HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE.When I left it was raining ... and thunderingOur portion ends with Pharoah judging one minister to hang and another to be exonerated.But our Talmud is the basis of FAIR JUDGEMENT AND JUSTICE.Oh what history and what the world doesnt get!Reb Shlomo saidThe fixing is ChanukahGood Shabbos!Happy ChanukahChanukah lighting begins next Wednesday night December 25
Parshat Toldot - and Tikun Hatzot
Prayers connect us all
ׂׂAnd I hope I wrote a correct interpretation of this one
Tikun Hatzot is supposed to be an important prayer
Said at night
One great rabbi told me that this "repair" even fixes problems with contractors who do your renovations!
So I sometimes read this prayer and this morning (around 430 AM) I saw something interesting
We ask the Holy One, blessed be He, to "look from heaven and see ׁ(OUR ACTIONSׂ)...for you are our father...
Abraham we did not know...and Israel (Jacob)will not know us...
and pray for deliverance"
Complicated enough - But where is Isaac- the middle forefathers?
- his name does not appear!
So on one foot it seems to me to interpret:
that Yitzchak (ISAAC) was the true tzaddik from birth to the end
The others lived sometimes challenged lives among pretty wierd folks - even for those days
so maybe Yitzchak -Isaac- was wrong to bless Esau? who turned BAD?
My thought is:
we know there are blessings from the now, and there are blessings for generations passing
and then there are blessings for the future .
For approaching the time of redemption
We see Yitzchak in our parsha - as he tries
to give blessings to a wayward son- his blessings being for all these periods !
and he tries with all his mighty blessings to bring his son "back home"
So is it possible that he didn't see the real Esau?
He probably saw that every generation of Esau
could be coaxe a little towards
Repentance- and a return to good -
Despite influences in the wider world,
which you really can see in every generation - their blindness to the truth
May God have mercy on us all
and from Reb Shlomo Carlebach on Parshat Toldot
When Yitzchak was praying for children it says the most beautiful thing.
It says “Vaye’aser lo Hashem” (Bereishis 25:11).
the Ropshitzer Rebbe says, “Vaye’aser lo Hashem,” Yitzchak’s praying for children so strong that even God began praying that Yitzchak should have children!
Do you know how deep this is?...
It’s the deepest depths there is.
Do you see here what Yitzchak is showing us? Yitzchak brought down into the world that God’s answer to my prayer for children is not just that I’m asking for children and he says, “Okay, I’ll send some orders for the merchandise.”
It mamesh (truly) becomes God’s prayer.
It's funny but-
You can ask me for a glass of water, and suddenly I truly want you to have a glass of water in the strongest way.
When this happens I taste the depths of your soul, and then we are friends forever.
Good Shabbos!
Is the flood story a parable (Noah gets drunk after not being able to deal with the destruction) or is it
A metaphor for every generation that sees perversion and corruption and does nothing
Or is it just an historical account (maybe with a little exaggeration– maybe not)
Or is it a warning to a world (as is written there) where peoples' hearts tend to the "dark side" and they need to always have their Garden of Eden portion opposite the Noah Flood?
So what’s a person to do?
(Like the animals in the Ark? Like Adam and Eve?)
But ALL IS CONNECTED – and so Portion Noah ends with – against all the forces of Evil Iraq -
The birth of Abraham, his flight with Sarah to the Holy Land
(and soon to the Holy City of Hevron)
The Torah is saying that those teachings of Abraham and Sarah will ALWAYS BE RELEVANT
So tune in next week for the Saga of Sarah and Abraham
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz