Portion Shemini on Fire and Fire and Fire
- פרטים
- קטגוריה: Parashat Hashavua
- פורסם בשלישי, 09 אפריל 2024 12:17
- נכתב על ידי Super User
- כניסות: 473
Portion Shemini on Fire and Fire and Fire
The picture below was taken across from the school I walk my youngest daughter to
Cute rabbit, chicken, and a peacock that walk outside our zoo most mornings while I use the outdoor training machines.
"Friendly" fire?
This morning the army spokesperson explained about the night time convoy where aid workers were killed a few days ago in Gaza. It was a case of work not coordinated with our troops at night in the middle of a war zone.
He apologized.
But please make it clear:
we are still in the middle of a war to end bombings of our civilians by Hamas, who were voted into office by Gaza civilians,
who follow and approve their plans.
On the bus from Jerusalem Wednesday night I was chatting Torah - concepts ( thank you Tzvi and Yehoshua } -
I asked one 20 year old yeshiva Bucher what he thought about Maris ayin -
evoking an accusatory response when people question others' actions - and intentions?
He thought that "whatever everybody knows" is not MarisAyin. But how do you gage intent?
Am I being bad if I don't say hi to everyone on the long bus ride home?
Another thing that came up was about neutering cats. Is that suspect - in a country where the cat population doubles with increases of garbage?
I think the intent - Kavanah today (your own cat) - is not to confuse G-d's "concept of creation" - any more than the concept of having a PET is!
If you need to have a pet you need to consider the ramifications of a pet running wild in a developed city! Pets were not a regular occurance a thousand years ago!
One day at Mincha this week I studied Zohar - KABALA . The author of Zohar asked
Why does Hashem get Nachas from burnt sacrifices - korbanot (as per the Portion)?
And this Portion speaks how the 2 elder sons of Aron did not survive the inauguration of the Temple in the Sinai desert!
The Torah says they were consumed by the strange fire. They lit the incense with strange fire.
Moshe tells Aron "Bikrovai Ekadesh" that the tragedy was hinted at by the Almighty.
But where is the justice? Just ...
They made some mistakes ?
How many kinds of FIRE are there.
Ben , a neighbor, pointed out from the Talmud (Masechet Menachot ) : Tosefot (comments):
The Angel Michael - G-ds general minister -
Offers daily "in the temple in heaven - souls
Nishmot - of holy tzadikim (like Aron's sons?)
Or maybe like Behemot-animal sacrifices?
Rabi Elimelech explains on our portion
... thats how to defeat our enemies! What's that?
The Holy tzadik lowers his seĺf concept - non Ego - To consider himself no better than like "behayma" - basically no higher than an animal -
And still to pray, and be merciful , and connect to a G-dliness design of our world!
Which is the "Jewish fire" way to defeat the
Inhumane lifestyle of Israel's enemies!
May we succeed soon!
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz