Portion Teruma ... Cherubs or Devils
- פרטים
- קטגוריה: Parashat Hashavua
- פורסם בשלישי, 01 דצמבר 2020 18:32
- נכתב על ידי Super User
- כניסות: 697
Portion Teruma ... Cherubs or Devils
In the portion the Mishkan ... The Temple in the desert
is planned by G-d and Moses
The cover of the Ark of the Tablets is built of beaten gold with TWO cherubs on top
Facing each other ... Not Next to Each Other
Opposite each other ... And the Medrash tells us that when the Israelites messed up in their relationship with the Almighty they turned away from each other
At all times they had
Wings spread and facing UP
We learn from Reb Kook that everything in the world is in pairs .... Even Torah portions
But this was not a pair
Pairs are together
Or Opposing
The Kabbalah teaches that everything in the world has opposite so
I believe one set of wings pointed up to the source of holiness
And I think the other guy pointed up to what Hassidim call the Bal Davar
who tries to lure us to sin...
Not really angels...
Reb Elimelech was sweeping the beit medrash ... Study Hall once
Late at night and In the middle he started beating two students!
Until they yelled ... And he
Swept out that couple of guys!
And he turned to the other students and said "
You gotta know who is an angel and who is not... "
Building a temple in a desert aint easy
( And not anywhere. )...but they did it
Angels are with us every Friday night ...
But when we ... Or they...stop talking to each other all our
Temples get destroyed
Lets Build ours on dialogue and love
And trying to fly higher
Gutt shabbos from Jerusalem
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz