Portion Eykev and the Arrest of Rabbi Benaya
- פרטים
- קטגוריה: Parashat Hashavua
- פורסם בשישי, 23 אוגוסט 2024 08:53
- נכתב על ידי Super User
- כניסות: 424
Portion Eykev and the Arrest of Rabbi Benaya
A story from the Talmud BabaBatra 58
Banayah was known as a wise Jew, so
When a rich gentile died , his wife told
Her 10 kids to go to Banayah
To dìvìde the inheritance.
But she added
"Only One of you were children of
The deceased!"
So they went to Banayah and he told them ",
Go pray at the grave for guidance."
9 went and prayed for money-
(and fought amongst themselves- but
One stayed home and wept)
Banayah decided that the one who
Did Not Go was the true child òf that father.
(And the mother of 10 was happy).
So the 9 other brothers plotted,
And got Banayah arrested.
His wife found out and came to the prison, crying. So
The guards asked her why.
"I had a dream last night that my head was eaten by a beast - etc etc - and I dont know why!"
The guards answered, not knowing who she was,
"we have a wise Rabbi here - maybe he can interpret your dream"
Banayah said, " lady - if you have a sheep at home
Have a bar b que -
and bring some of it here for the guards"
And she did,
And the guards said
" what a wise Rabbi, lets
let him out! (And they did)
"But first lets have him answer some of our own questions..." ... read further in the Talmud...
These portions before Rosh Hashono
Teach us wisdoms
That the outside world doesn't know... like
Maybe they should appreciate the Jews-
And maybe the Jews need to ALSO!!!
Get ready for Rosh Hashono!
(And Thank you Stuie for the following):
Reb Shlomo Carlebach on Parshat Eikev
The Hebrew word Eikev is translated as -
the literal translation -
reads, “And behold if your heel will listen to these laws and keep them”
Defined as:
the Mitzvahs you might trample on.
There are a lot of things in life that even if I don’t do them, I’m also okay. But
Here I want to share something very deep with you.
The truth is that the most important things in life are the things which we don’t really have to do.
Also in serving G-d .
The most important things between me, my wife, and my children are always the things I don’t have to do.
If I don’t do it – it’s also okay, but gevalt are they important.
So I want to say a gevalt Torah.
It says "Vehaaya Eikev"
the greatest joy will be when finally,
‘Eikev’ you will mamesh understand what G-d wants of you...
when you will finally hear THESE mitzvas’.
We are talking about mitzvahs which I don’t HAVE to do.
Let me ask you something. I see a poor man and I give him ten dollars, do I have to smile at him? I don’t have to.
So the Helige Ishbitzer (rebbe) says the deepest depths, Vehaya Eikev. .. a word used about
The primordial
It says by the Primordial snake :
he will bite you in your heel. What does that mean?
The snake doesn’t come to you with something that has to do with your head.
The " snake doesn’t say to you to go to a non kosher delicatessen and buy ham. That much a snake knows,
but you know what the snake does?
The "snake " shows up when it comes to mitzvas you don’t have to do."
Do you know what the snake leaves you with?
the snake got one thing through to you.
There are things which are not important, you don’t have to do them-
you don’t have to do them - you can get away with everything!
I bless you and bless me back, that we should do the Mitzvah’s that we don’t have to do,
and we should do them with Joy!
Good Shabbos!"
Love and Health-
Shabbat Shalom from Israel
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz
הוספת תגובה