
Portion of Pinchas

Portion of Pinchas

A late-night short Holy Thought from Rabbi Shlomo Carelbach's teaching- 

In this Torah Portion the All-mighty tells Moses our teacher 
"you must appoint a successor who will go out (to lead) in front of the people", 

and Rabbi Shlomo says 
"the Holy Vorker Rebbe says (translates) "asher yetze lifneihem" 
(going out before them) 
means he (the real Jewish leader) will mamesh (truly) 
give his life away (Yotzee Nishmato - from the same Hebrew root word) 
for every yid (follower of G-d's teachings), 

(and that) this comes from (we learn from) Pinchos 
who was moser nefesh (gave over his whole sould and life) 
to save yidden (the Israelites who had sinned in the desert), 

so Hashem gave him (Pinchas) the blessing of peace - 
(and he because the role model for Jewish leadership) 

Love and Shabbos 
and may we be blessed with truly Jewish Leaders who are not afraid to do the right thing though they may become at risk - rather than risk us all, 
so they do not suffer ... 

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz 
from New York