You never know
- פרטים
- קטגוריה: Parashat Hashavua
- פורסם בשבת, 21 נובמבר 2020 17:07
- נכתב על ידי Super User
- כניסות: 625
You never know
There's a tradition that the world survives because there are 36 HIDDEN righteous people.
They do Mitzvot that others can't or don't or WON't do.
Why do I believe in this tradition?
Because of Charley in Manhattan.
A homeless fellow I have known for years
I once was having an asthma attack - before I knew I had asthma - and he was there and gave me a spray device with Albuterol (what you take when you have an attack).
I had some work to do but needed a helper - and none of my regular workers were available -
but Charley was there - and offered to help me carry a 20 foot ladder and hold it while I made some repairs (I paid him of course - but I couldn't have done that very urgent work that day without an assistant).
I couldn't find a good Yiddish dictionary I was looking for - and he pulled one right out of his shopping bag.
Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach would always talk to and give charity to homeless folks - and they all loved him - and he taught us - well - it sounhds silly but -
"you never know"!
I came back from New York to Israel yesterday - and this morning and was too tired to get up for my Minyan at Dawn.
But I was stubborn and got to a later minyan -
where I gave some charity to a family with 8 kids who need money to stop being evicted.
I'm ALWAYS up at dawn - but - YOU NEVER KNOW why I had to get to that minyan!
So whenever you talk to or help out a homeless person REMEMBER -
Love and Shabbos
Mazel Tov to Ivy and Anthony on their new baby!
Rabbi Andy (Chanoch) Eichenholz