Parashat Hashavua

For Sukot - Where do you Shine?‏

I always laughed on Amsterdam Avenue in Manhattan when I walked past a house of worship where their "sukkah" was visibly in their basement and NOT OUTSIDE like it's supoosed to be.
Where do you shine the most - at home or outside?
What is the most shining your soul can do?
In the Sukkah you can be both inside (something) and mostly outside (in G-d's great outdoors) too!
The mystical Jewish works also talk about an OHR MAKIF and an OHR PNIMI -
outside brighteness and an INNER brightness. wE AN FEEL THEM - AD SHARE THEM.
G-d's protection - from the elements and from the enemies of holiness - are represented by the Sukkah.
While you may THINK it's a flimsy tent ... but the light inside shines to the outside ...
and should ignite you -
when you think of these little huts 
thousands of years.
You see, ALL OUR SYMBOLS are little lights on the path to a STRONG SPIRIT -
candles on Chanukah
,Matza on Passover
AND THE LITTLE SUKKAH - a place to gather, celebrate, and SHARE.
Lots of Love from Israel in a time of the joyous holiday of Sukkot!
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion of Nitzavim-Vayelech – Double portion

Portion of Nitzavim-Vayelech – Double portion

In this portion the Almighty tells Moses … and Moses tells Joshua … and Moses
commands the Israelite people – TO SING!
This is a double portion – Nitzavim and Vayelech - and we – just like the Israelites of the desert - are standing before the Jewish New Year with a double "portion" before us – a double promise of our land of Milk and Honey – in Israel and in the exile - and a double threat of a violent world and a threat of poverty for so many.
G-d warns us that we will forsake H-m – and yet teaches us – because that is H-s way in the Torah – that to sing the song of the Almighty is to correct the evil of the world and within our rebellious souls which only want a little (or too much?) freedom…
With awe and LOVE – and a SONG in our hearts – let us all join in prayer and in song – thanking the Almighty that the rocket attacks on Israel were MIRACULOUSLY defeated with so few losses, thanking for the opportunity to DO GOOD this coming year, and for the G-dly gift of sharing a New Year with our loved ones.

- Ksiva Vachasima Tova - Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Key Tay Tzay -Do you think G-d cheated you? do you cheat yourself?

Key Tay Tzay -Do you think G-d cheated you? do you cheat yourself?

Kids like to say "it's not fair"
Politicians use the "fairness doctrine" words - but do they never cheat? OIY! 

Do you know anyone who's angry at G-d because they feel "cheated"? 

This week's portion says "even shalayma v tzedek ." meaning 
"use a perfect and righteous stone (measurement)".

EVEN is defined as STONE - like the ancients used as weights, 

But does it mean - weights and measures - 
or shall we see in this Mitzva a more broad definition and interpretation, like

"standards" to use in daily life? That is - KEEP HONEST STANDARDS -

SHELAYMA is defined as FULL or PERFECT - or EXACT (as in weights)

Don't over and don't under weigh (judge?) things?

I read a tought from my friend Rabbi Josh Hoffman on the portion- 

"The recognition of this capacity to sink so low 
should bring us to a great appreciation of God’s great kindness in redeeming us from the depravity of Egypt 
and giving us the Torah, which teaches us to set boundaries that separate us from our baser instincts, 
and enable us to reach a higher level of purity and spirituality." 

Really - 24/7 - spiritual standards? Maybe IT's NOT FAIR to hold us to so many standards?!

From Rebbe Nachman we can learn a rule -
Don't put yourself down - just do your best - and know the Almighty gives us WAYS to become holy!

And from Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach -

We ALL have a place in the inside of the inside of us -
a place we RARELY go, and hardly EVER reveal to others-

which is a part of us that is TOTALLY HOLY AND TOTALLY GOOD! 

My interpretation of this is: 

we think things aren't fair because they're hard - but we don't see our OWN INSIDES! 

We just need to breathe a little fire into ourselves,

"the inside of the inside OF US" which is our own even shelayma ...

Preparing for the High Holy Days


Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion of Key Tavo – when the Almighty brings you to – a REALIZATION?

Portion of Key Tavo – when the Almighty brings you to – a REALIZATION?

What do we know? 
What Mitzva will confront us? What Challenge? 

Our portion starts with a scenario – come into MY (G-d's) land – MY world –
Bring gifts to the Temple and remember G-d's gifts and wonders for you …

But then there is the curse-

if we don't MAINTAIN the Almighty's world-And we allow corruption –

and finally Moses tells us – YOU've SEEN the miracles, and ARE ALREADY SITTING in PART of ISRAEL
just KEEP THE COVENANT and the promise of living in G-d's world is yours!

Based on thoughts by Rabbi David Aron - who says

blessings come to a person who takes his natural instincts and becomes in synch with the Almighty's plan -
but otherwise these drives destroy him

. When we do good —we feel good. 
G-d makes it SO EASY most of the time to do good

Sometimes it's hard – but not if we KNOW it's for our own deepest good

and for
the divine magnificene of our soul
Key Tavo - May we all use the approaching High Holidays to
- as Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach used to sing-
"Return to the Land of our SOULS"

Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion of Shoftim - Judges

Portion of Judgeships to set up...

Portion of Shoftim - Judges
The Portion says: Shoftim and shotrim you shall appoint …
The portion talks about wars and witchcraft, kings and cowardice, and righteousness in Jewish judgment.

Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach liked to tell a funny teaching about Jewish concept of Justice 

(my interpretation here – where the emphasis is on HOW NOT OR YES TO JUDGE OTHERS) 

Imagine you stop at a long red light and see the driver next to you and you 
Talk to the next driver. 
And the other driver pulls away quickly without saying hello even!

Later on you get a speeding ticket – and you're sure you're having a bad day when the police officer brings you to the local judge.
Well imagine if that judge is THAT OTHER DRIVER! And winks to you – and dismisses the ticket.
How can weever judge everyone?

The best thing is to look at everything as the Al-mighty giving US a chance to judge everything favorably – and to spread a little good will around. 

Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion of Re'eh – "See here now..." and HOW MANY TIMES YOU GOTTA TELL ME?"

Portion of Re'eh – "See here now..." and HOW MANY TIMES YOU GOTTA TELL ME?"

This week's portion Re'eh says :

"Today - LOOK - I set before you a blessing – and a curse." TODAY! NOW

Israel is a blessing – researching and creating healing methods for the world –

And what do we see from Iraq and Hamas and the "Islamic State" and Iran
- everyone knows NOW what a curse is
the endangering and degeneration of the world
This portion also says about "flase prophets" - not just "don't follow them" but

love G-d ... listen to the VOICE (inner? outer?) the voice of G-d ... work for H-s plan
... and CLING to him"

didn't it say thtat in LAST WEEK's portion
"fear the Al-mighty .. work for H-s plan ... CLING to H-m ...and sweAR only IN H-s NAME
is this a NUDGE
Do we really need to hear this again?
The Ibn Ezra medieval commentary on both these sentences explains
"CLING TO G-D" as IN YOUR HEART cling to the Almighty..

Maybe we all ned to hear this until the world focuses on bettering the world.

IF ONLY THOSE who are cursing the world with their murderous intent would only

Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach would always say at his "teach ins"
"Now friends, OPEN YOUR HEARTS"
- because without an open heart we really can't learn.

If only the world would stop closing their hearts and following false prophets into chaos. 

Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Ekev - is this the end of the year - or a new beginning?

Ekev - is this the end of the year - or a new beginning?

In Devarim chapter 11 (end of this week's portion) - verse 12 it says: G-d inquires about ... (nd) views Israel from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. 
So what does that do for us? 

If we look at verses 22-25 - it gives us a key:
"just do this Mitzva - follow in the Almighty's ways ... and LOVE G-d and
you'll inherit the LAND (Israel) 
and the nations will FEAR you (Pachad) and be in dread (Morah) of you.

G-d is always looking at what is happening in Israel.
The world is always looking at what is happening in Israel.
G-d looks with love-
but the worldlooks with fear!

G-d loves Israel - and we should love G-d just for that!
But the more we love the Almighty - the more the world is in fear of us-

If only they realized that they should learn from us how to HAVE SOUL!

Below seems to be a quote from Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach :
When Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden the Almighty kept part of their souls-
which he gives back to those who keep the Sabbath! That's the 
Neshama Yesayra - the "extra soul" of Shabbos!

If only we could teach the world to love shabbos
they would have MORE SOUL
and not need to fear Israel - but to join us in loving G-d for all the extra soul we get from the Almighty!

Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion of VaEtChaNan - The TEN Commandments AGAIN?

Portion of VaEtChaNan - The TEN Commandments AGAIN?

Why does this portion rREPEAT the 10 Commanments (Which first appears in Exodus)?
(Besides the fact that MUCH of the Fifth Book of the Five repeats most of the Mitzvot anyway ...)

This Shabbat is Shabat Nachamu (about healing) - the opposite of Purim's Shabbat Zachor (about evil Amalek)

Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach always taught us that to understand a Jewish holiday
the Great Rebbes would look at the holiday OPPOSITE (in the calendar) - SO WE LEARN FROM BOTH SIDES.

There - before the Purim miracle - Haman's hatred was SO STRONG he was willing to pay THOUSANDS IN SILVER to Achashverosh - for the "rights" to destroy the Jews (like Hamas - using every bit of money the residents of Gaza needed to build or buy weapons to destroy)... 

So this portion with Moses' Farewell Teachings (WHICH ARE FOREVER) is saying 

Here's the SHEMA - "Love the L-rd you G-d"
Here's the Ten Commandments AGAIN which say "Honor your Parents" and "Honor the Sabbath" etc.- 

For NOW and forever - even after sins like the Golden Calf when the first 10 Commandments were broken 

We should LOOK AT THE MIRACLES LIKE PURIM which can happen when
the Jewish People Pray Together- and rejoice together 

like we're told to do on the 15 AV holiday - shabbat Nachamu - this shabbat -

to do G-d's will - to UNDO the opposite-
undo the Hatred of Haman-
and bring about love amongst our people(s)

FOREVER - whatever mistakes we may have made -
the Ten Commanments are and EASY START to come close to G-d's will on earth

Really - how often do you call or recall your Mother? your parents?
- remember their kindness - remember their struggles?

Moses says here "remember the Ten Commandments I taught you BEFORE the Golden Calf -
THEY ARE RELEVANT FOREVER - especially today -

May it be so!

Love and Shabbos (from Israel) 
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion of Devarim - prophecies for TODAY on the Wars of the Jews

Portion of Devarim - prophecies for TODAY on the Wars of the Jews

The Fifth Book of 5 - Devarim - 
Starts with - Moses' review of Israel's previous 40 years - 

READ IT - and see how one nation destroyed another nation and
the succession of Amorites and Horites etc - it is
The portion is For Us TODAY

So what about US? 

The portion recounts the beginnings of the Wars for Israel 
(which never seem to be over, right?).

MOSES TELLS JOSHUA NOT TO WORRY when he enters Israel !!!

Because it is G-d's hand - in ALL the history of the Middle East!

Moses says - Do Not Fear 

To destroy evil in nations in the world - it is G-d's Master Plan

We just have to do our part - TRUST IN HASHEM -
and teach the world to end the evil in their hearts.

Lots of Love and Shabbos from Israel

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion of Masei – the Travels Jews (and Travails) of Israel

Portion of Masei – the Travels Jews (and Travails) of Israel

You've come a long way (since Egypt) the portion says – and reviews all the stops along the way. 

But why does it single out that Aron died in the desert at age 123 and that the Canaanites attacked us then? 

A lesson for today – 

some groups in the world look to hurt the weak,
and Aron's death showed those evil people that "one who could stand up to Pharoah (with Moses)" could also die – and thus maybe Israel would succumb to Canaanite attacks. 

So RASHI from the 12th Century told us "Aron passed on with the KISS of the Almighty" – he reached his age with LOVE – and STILL the Israelites were PROTECTED and moved on!!!! 

Travels – Wars – in this portion they are recounted – but finally the Almighty tells Moses to teach the people how to INHERIT ISRAEL and divide the land IN PEACE. 

As the Gerer Rebbe the Sfas Emes - ewrote that for EVERY AGE this Portion teaches "Israel will always be in the middle of these travels and wars (spiritual and physical) – because the Almighty wants us to bring a FIXING to every little thing in the world. 

Rabbi Carlebach always said "and then we end here the first 4 books of the Torah WITH Moses going to 5 weddings –and so we also pray for the biggest wedding of all –
After Israel does all its fixing in the world-
Then Israel and the Almighty come together and the whole world comes to dance with us.
May it come soon
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz