
Portion of Matos – Tell the Leaders NOT to SWEAR – A Prophecy for Today

Portion of Matos – Tell the Leaders NOT to SWEAR – A Prophecy for Today

Moses (who usually transmitted the words of the Almighty) starts off by telling the leaders to keep their word, and then teaches about not making oaths, swearing, etc And then Israel has to go to war
And thank G-d none of our soldiers are killed.
Finally in the portion - 2 and a half tribes decide the Golan Heights is for them – and make a deal with Moses to stay in the army (with Joshua) until the rest of the tribes find their place in Canaan – Israel. It's a portion for us to read every day during the Gaza war.
Israeli boys are blowing up tunnels filled with explosives and armaments meant to kill
Our boys are destroying rocket launching pads aimed at families in Israel
Our people are trying to stop the constant rain of rockets sent against Israel by the Hamas terror government, voted into Gaza by a population that prefers suffering and hatred to making peace and growing prosperity.
That was the same as those who attacked the Israelites instead of saying "come on – we have lots of room for the Israelites and the Torah"
There's a lot of wars going on around here – Syria Egypt Libya Ukraine etc etc
Here's a quote from Rabbi Carlebach sent from my friend Rabbi Sholom Brodt of Jerusalem:
Reb Shlomo once said 'what's the difference between our soldiers and those of our enemies? When a Jewish soldier fires a bullet, deep inside he is praying that Moshiach should arrive quickly before the bullet reaches its target.'
Though we have no choice today but to fight for the safety of our people, deep inside we want Moshiach to come already.
May that dream be fulfilled
And may we have teachers and leaders who fulfill the words of the Torah
Love from Israel
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz