Parashat Hashavua

Portion of Nitzavim-Vayelech – the Torah says “it is life or death before you


Portion of Nitzavim-Vayelech – the Torah says “it is life or death before you

Portion of Nitzavim-Vayelech –

Where the Torah says
“it is life or death before you …- choose the blessing and not the curse” 

These words follow after Hashem tells us
"you are all here (note - I believe it also means you can also HEAR these words) ...
even the water-drawers and the wood-choppers ..."

and Rabbi Carlebach said

"the woodchoppers splinter things ...- and those that splinter the unity of the people are splintering the ability to come together for G-d's ultimate refemption" 

The portion follows and says "Ve Ha Shev Shvut cha..." - I will return you from captivity - if you will return from waywardness ... 


we need leaders who will UNITE us - and not follow the world's tendency to splinter,
and cut away, chop down and allow to rot...

As the Jewish New Year approaches next week-
May Hashem grant us to hear, to be here, to return in faith and love-

and to prepare for a new year and a new dawn of brotherhood and siserhood and love and redemption 

LOVE and Shabbos 

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz
Praying for all that
In New York (to Be With The People) for Rosh Hashono
as many of my friends are in the Ukraine to pray for the same

The portion starts out "take for me donations", (Tikchu Terumati)

The portion starts out "take for me donations", (Tikchu Terumati)

and in the Kabbala work ZOHAR the portion explanation begins with the concept
"G-d has given every nation a king but
G-d has chosen to be the King of the Jewish nation (children of Jacob/Israel)". 

The Hebrew "teruma" can mean "raise up for me donations" (from the root TARUM)
or as Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach said of this sentence "it means SEPARATE and MAKE SPECIAL" for me. 

So that explains the ZOHAR - because (in brief) the Al-mighty takes a nation to H-imself -
gives us a task - a special task-
and as Rav Shlomo teaches us-

"therefore we learn that our task is to make those around us feel special and
to make our worship of Hashem special and
to raise up our children to know how special they are to us ... etc".

Have a special Shabbos! 

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Mishpatim - portion of LAWS - to teach us NOT what to do - but HOW TO BE (closer to G-d)‏


Mishpatim - portion of LAWS - to teach us NOT what to do - but HOW TO BE (closer to G-d)‏

So the portion is called "laws". 

It tells us starting in Shmos chapter 21 - how to NOT make people feel like SLAVES
and in sentence 17 there
How to NOT act towards your parents who brought LIFE to you
and later

BECAUSE it teaches us HOW G-d WORKS -
not moving people out of a place where their presence is needed (see in Shmos 23:29)... and who knows what is needed and when - if not Hashem ...?

And it teaches us how to get CLOSE to G-d - 
as the Almighty tells Moses in Shmos 24:16 - 18 " be here ... " and after 6 days of preparation -
"on the Shabbos" - ? the SEVENTH DAY -
after Moses is READY to be close to G-d - 
it says "Moses entered the clouds..." - the Clouds of Glory ??

And WHY ALL THIS LAWS ... AND TEACHING ... we need LAWS- training us - 

To have us -
"love one another and bring the WHOLE WORLD two million miles closer to redemption." 

Let's try this Shabbat 

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Yisro -What was Moses really? Wasn't he the King of the Israelites?‏


Yisro -What was Moses really? Wasn't he the King of the Israelites?‏
So many teachers have said: 
Receiving the Torah is NOT EASY!
But Rabbi Carlebach said: Not easy – but it’s SO GOOD!
 So Moses convinces the Israelites they want to hear the 10 Commandments-
What a great politician!
Nobody could be more a king than a leader who is
Chief planner
chief judge
Chief provider
Chief inspiration
AND Chief politician (but honest …) – mediating between the tribes …
So why don't we call him - Like King David? Why is Moses the TEACHER – Moshe Rabaynu? 
Here Rabbi Carlebach teaches us: The trick to ENTERING HOLINESS in a confusing world
G-d the Creator comes to Man in form of Moses and says“Remember me?”
Moses says “yes – but what’s this burning bush about?”
G-d the Al-mighty says : I told you“you will be coming back here for a better of understanding – AFTER
So Moses spends the next couple of YEARS (not days)And fulfills his task ?
Water  manna – the tough times are over !
 And they TOGETHER get a NEW TASK -
 TO teach the world HOW to - make things BETTER and HOLIER!
Moses - and US - are to be a priestly nation - TEACHING!
The whole world KNOWS of the 10 Commandments - 
but how many know that is their purpose in this world?
Shabbat Shalom from Jerusalem
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz  

Portion of BeShalach - Keeping You Warm this Winter

Portion of BeShalach - Keeping You Warm this Winter

If snow is good for the Eskimos – why is everyone in North America feeling so cold?
Okay – it’s COLD –
But what ELSE makes you feel cold?
FEAR makes you cold.
So what makes you feel WARM?
LOVE makes you warm.
And what else?
The Israelites had the Egyptian army  at their back – and were facing the Red Sea.
FEAR of total destruction.
And then – the Sea Splits!
G-d really LOVES them! 
Doesn’t it make you feel warm when you see somebody loves you?
And what else?
Rabbi Carlebach always said – based on the Ishbitzer Rebbe -
If 2 people talk at one time – there’s no way to understand what they’re saying.
If 2 people SING at the same time – it’s HARMONY
Doesn’t THAT make you feel warm?
On the Insides of the insides?
And  A smile?  Doesn’t that make you feel warm?
And doing good for someone else?
Call someone over 60 and find out if they’re keeping warm enough
And Sing this Shabbat
As the Israelites sang after crossing over the Red Sea
And KEEP WARM with Shabbat – a Gift from the Almighty!
Love and Shabbos from Israel
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion of BO - Why didn't Pharoah just have Moses "Disappear"?

Portion of BO - Why didn't Pharoah just have Moses "Disappear"?

This is very deep - the FIRST mitzva (command) to Israel is in this week's portion -
"To prepare for the Passover offering" - and the world still doesn't GET IT!

Why is there SO MUCH DIALOGUE between Pharoah and Moses in the Torah? 

Because G-d is teaching us: THAT's WHAT HE WANTS! 

The Talmud teaches us how HARD it is to correct (or rebuke) someone (like a Pharoah) doing wrong. 

Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach (zatza"l) teaches us how EASY it is - just TALK with them.
You need to know where they are coming from and improve their take on things - 
and be a partner in their correcting what's wrong.

Pharoah KNEW he needed to learn things from Moses -
so he didn't do the Mafia thing -
but as the Torah says
"he hardened his heart..." - so the communication couldn't get in.

Moses was taught by G-d to try and try again - even to say 

"You will also send sacrifices with us (when we leave)" - teaching -
YOU were a PARTNER in teaching the WORLD about ENDING SLAVERY -
isn't that GREAT?"
hoping to get some real communication-

But in the end - G-d tells Moses the Mitzva "HaChodesh Hazeh Lachem" -
This new thing (Holy Freedom) - it's YOURS - my Israelites -

the world doesn't get it yet. 

Let's pray the world gets it sooner than later. 

Love and Shabbes and Torah from Jerusalem 

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion of VaAyRa - Who is "liberated" and when?

Portion of VaAyRa - Who is "liberated" and when?

Based on a thought for this portion by Rabbi Neria zatza"l - who founded the schools of Bnei Akiva in Israel 

Wow! It's way after the 60's and 70's! And we're all "liberated"!? 

China and Japan (and the US) are still fighting over turf? Africa (Sudan, Ethiopia, and wars, etc.) is liberated? The Middle East (with civilian bombings all over) is "liberated"? 

Why can't they learn from the Torah? That we learn to drink the 4 cups on Passover from: 

In the Bible Story ( 3300 years ago - Joseph interpreting the steward's dreams) - the words "cup of Pharoah) were used 4 times, and in this week's Portion there are 4 words alluding to G-d's liberating Israel from Pharoah. 

The prophet Zacharia's (from 2500 years ago) foretold building the 3rd and FINAL Jewish Temple in Jerusalem - symbolizing the eventual FINAL liberation of Israel and the WORLD 

He writes "a golden "globe" will shine above the Menora"(not the Golden Globe Award I hope) 

And the Medrash Rabbis (2000 years ago) explain the word globe "gulah" - as relating to either the PAIN of Israel suffering their part to bring Israel's liberation, OR that the ACTUAL LIBERATION of Israel will SHINE (to the world) from OUR MENORA 

So let's explain these different ideas of liberation from our Holy Torah as 1. 4 stages of REAL liberation - the Jewish people becoming Holiness-based and "Serving-the-Almighty" - based versus 2. Under for the Steward of wicked Pharoah (or ANY WICKED REGIME - like so many today) - the 4 stages PRELIMINARY to real liberation - working off the ego of the steward took time- UNTIL HE REMEMBERED JOSEPH'S KINDNESS - AND GOT HIM OUT OF PRISON 

and NOW - ??? When will the world remember Israel's kindnesses, inspiration, teaching Afrians to develop their deserts, and creating medical miracles and sending help to Haiti and the Philipines and ... 

Maybe this Shabbos! 

Love from Israel 

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion of Vayechi

Portion of Vayechi

Portion Vayechi - and there was LIFE

Rabbi Josh Hoffman's discussion of this week's portion focused on ENCOURAGEMENT -
something that never goes out of style.

Jacob's last words to his sons were encouragement - to give them EXTRA STRENGTH.

Rabbi Carlebach always said - the Almighty gave us the ability to lift up our arms over our head - so that we can know that we can EXTEND OURSELVES further than we think - but JAOB taught us HOW -

by encouraging each other.

Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz
back in Israel filled with the blessings of rain

Va-yee-Gash – and (Judah) approached – he CAME CLOSE


Va-yee-Gash – and (Judah) approached – he CAME CLOSE
(to Joseph, to G-d, to his inner self?)

After Chanuka – we read the portion of RECONCILIATION between the brothers – the children of Jacob – Va Yee Gash.

We learned frm Rabbi Carlebach that the love between Aron and Moses was the fixing of the jealousy of Cain and Abel-
So what does the reconciliation of Joseph and his brothers come to teach us?
Espeially after Chanuka?

We read in the holy commentaries on this portion that
at this stage the brothers were still fearful that after Jacob leaves the world Joseph would turn against them-
After he saved them ALL! Really?

So after Chanuka and the 5 Macabbee brothers we see-

AND GIVE GREAT GIFTS TO THE WORLD (freedon from tyranny)
If we do not FEAR to “come close
To our brothers and sisters – and to G-d

Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion of MeKates

Portion of MeKates

What G-dly genius!
What a sense of Humor and Genius of Teaching! 

JUST Read between the lines - 

In this portion Joseph PLAYFULLY tries to teach his brothers about REPENTANCE 
and Forgiving Themselves and each other-
to overcome past mistakes (we ALL make them)-
by trying to teach them to REACH into the DEPTHS of their inner souls 

(they must REURN to Egypt...
they must try to get their Brother OUT OF PRISON
they must again seek out Joseph 
they must promise their father Jacob to be more careful in their brotherly relationships
so many BEAUTIFUL ideas for us all today as well!!! )

And like SO many things in life - we don't see 
the conclusion and the consequences (the brothers RE - UNITED) - until NEXT WEEK's Tora Portion!!!
(when we see the LIGHT)

So here's somthing from Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach sent me by Rabbi Sholom Brodt of Jerusalem,

and I'm relating this thought to Chanuka Lighting

Light is the level of the reaching higher than your 'self', deeper than everything in the world. 
You can learn something and know more or feel more. 

This is not the level of light yet.
Sometimes you learn a word and it gets very deep in your heart. (and) Suddenly 
you reach somewhere deeper than the deepest part of yourself. 

This is called light. 

Gutt Shabbos and Happy Chanuka

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz