
Portion of Shoftim - Judges

Portion of Judgeships to set up...

Portion of Shoftim - Judges
The Portion says: Shoftim and shotrim you shall appoint …
The portion talks about wars and witchcraft, kings and cowardice, and righteousness in Jewish judgment.

Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach liked to tell a funny teaching about Jewish concept of Justice 

(my interpretation here – where the emphasis is on HOW NOT OR YES TO JUDGE OTHERS) 

Imagine you stop at a long red light and see the driver next to you and you 
Talk to the next driver. 
And the other driver pulls away quickly without saying hello even!

Later on you get a speeding ticket – and you're sure you're having a bad day when the police officer brings you to the local judge.
Well imagine if that judge is THAT OTHER DRIVER! And winks to you – and dismisses the ticket.
How can weever judge everyone?

The best thing is to look at everything as the Al-mighty giving US a chance to judge everything favorably – and to spread a little good will around. 

Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz