
Portion of Key Tavo – when the Almighty brings you to – a REALIZATION?

Portion of Key Tavo – when the Almighty brings you to – a REALIZATION?

What do we know? 
What Mitzva will confront us? What Challenge? 

Our portion starts with a scenario – come into MY (G-d's) land – MY world –
Bring gifts to the Temple and remember G-d's gifts and wonders for you …

But then there is the curse-

if we don't MAINTAIN the Almighty's world-And we allow corruption –

and finally Moses tells us – YOU've SEEN the miracles, and ARE ALREADY SITTING in PART of ISRAEL
just KEEP THE COVENANT and the promise of living in G-d's world is yours!

Based on thoughts by Rabbi David Aron - who says

blessings come to a person who takes his natural instincts and becomes in synch with the Almighty's plan -
but otherwise these drives destroy him

. When we do good —we feel good. 
G-d makes it SO EASY most of the time to do good

Sometimes it's hard – but not if we KNOW it's for our own deepest good

and for
the divine magnificene of our soul
Key Tavo - May we all use the approaching High Holidays to
- as Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach used to sing-
"Return to the Land of our SOULS"

Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz