Parashat Hashavua

Despite violence against Jews and Arabs and the PA Police horors -


Despite violence against Jews and Arabs and the PA Police horors -

and the anniversary on the first of the New Month (Sunday)

when 8 teens were murdered in Yeshivat Mercaz Harav

by a crazy Arab terrorist 5 years ago

(and all the other horrors in our not-so-perfect world)


and Rabbi Carlebach gives us the key - as

R Shlomo speaking :


The Holy Modzitser (Rebbe) says, Vehoyu allways means Joy,

(and) when we cry with Joy Hashem will listen,….

(CRY and SCREAM to G-d - a daily scream is good for the lungs AND)

(its Kabbalistic meaning Meaning is) the depth is that when we are filled with joy,

even though we going through hard times

(we can get) with the strength of

we believe that Hashem will help us

this Gevalt joy brings the salvation,

(and now on the beginning of the new month ADAR – the month of PURIM, we see


this also happened on Purim when the Yeshua (REDEMPTION) happened

at feast of wine,

so when it comes the month of Adar we are paving the way …

mamesh (TRULY) for the ultimate redemption

(by and) with being filled with joy and hope.

Please send me an updated list of names of people who need our prayers at this time.

And don’t forget – your prayers are way above mine – I’m just another channel from Jerusalem – where G-d likes to tune in for updates ….

May Hashem heal and bless all- with a complete and speedy recovery.

Love and Shabbos

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Jethro and the Jews


Jethro and the Jews

This week I read some beautiful thoughts on the portion of Jethro/Yitro - Moses' father-in-law - 
who came from Midian and joined the Jewish people. 

So - thank you "weekly dvar" email and David Aron from Isralight - and of course Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach zatz"l 

So why did Yitro go BACK to Midian after convering to Judaism? He was so proud of it that he wanted to tell others how beautiful it was - 

to have a concept of G-d and unity and world-holiness and Torah Scholarship within us. 

And how did he get there? To that feeling? 

He learned some mitzvahs - learned them WELL from Moses - 

and mitzvahs,( plural — mitzvah, singular) do not really mean — commandments, 

but Mitzvahreally comes from the Hebrew Tzavta - 

a word that means “to connect” or “to unite.”

They are not demands 

(threatening and self denying) but 

an invitation to commune, and join, with the 

Judaism and unifying and joyous and empowering G-d- 

not the idols of those enslaved and controlled (by greedy leaders) 

From Rabbi Carlebach 

(on the statements at Mount Sinai): 

The Torah says that the two tablets were like a heart, and the Ten Commandments were carved into them, not written on them. 

Suppose someone says, "Why do you need to hear the ten Commandments on Har Sinai? ... 

Hashem told us not to kill (or steal), didn't we know (it)? 

The holy Izbitzer Rebbe says, 

"How did Hashem carve into us not to kill?" 

Hashem (just) opened gates for us, and then we know how precious life is. If you have any taste of how precious each and every life is, you can't kill." 

When Hashem said, "Honor your father and mother," 'HE' showed us how special it is to bring children down to this world. Children realize, "My father and mother mamash brought me into this world." 

(And) it reaches the deepest, highest place in your heart. 

This is keeping (G-d and Sinai and) Shabbos. 


Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

for shabes and tu bishvat - what's the difference between an apple tree and a cucumber‏


for shabes and tu bishvat - what's the difference between an apple tree and a cucumber‏

based on rabbi shlomo carlebach ztz"l 

what's in this torah portion ? 

- the Israelites leave egypt - and then 3 days later are cornered again by Pharoah's approaching army army at the red sea ! 

"So they thought "redemption" means - 

being saved from Egypt for 3 days and it's all over " (so SAD) 

(but - here's the Tu Bishvat - arbor day - new year for the trees lesson) 

another quote: 

Ok, now here comes a really deep Izhbetzer (Rebbe) Torah. 

What's the difference between a cute little vegetable and a tree? 
How come a vegetable is dead when it's done? 

You can't make anything forever out of a vegetable
A tree can live for hundreds of years. He 
(The Ishbuitzer Rebbe) says the deepest Torah. 

The tree prays to G-d, please make something out of me. 
(According to our mystical masters EVERYTHING on earth has SOME soul) 

You know what's praying the most? 
How come one apple tree tastes so good and another one not? 
When the apple seed 
(and remember - OUR SOULS TOO are called "apple trees" in the Song of Songs by King Solomon) 
is praying before G-d - the very last second before it’s completely disintegrated (germinate) - it's the prayer of the 
deepest depths. 

And if its prayer is not so deep...There you have (the difference between the taste of the apples of) two trees.... 
Gevaldt, it's (like) the very last prayer we say before we leave the world... 
A vegetable prays a cute little prayer. A vegetable grows and then just stops... 
But an apple seed (and tree), it prays so much.... It can't stop. 
The apple seed's prayer is a "forever" prayer (like ours should be). 
So the tree lives forever because this seed prayed so hard. 
and Shvat is the Rosh HaShona L'Elanot, the new year-- the headquarters-- of the trees. 

Do you know what the tree is crying out? (on its New Year) The tree is at is end, each year. Listen to this. The tree 
when it reaches the end, mamash, all its prayers are rising up again. The tree prays all its prayers again. Awesome. 
I want to tell you something very very deep. Imagine I need coffee. I say, "Please G-d, give me some coffee." And 
G-d answers me, "Ok, I'll get you some coffee." But when I pray for something very deep, my prayer is all that there is. 
The more I need something from G-d, the deeper the depths my prayer touches my neshama. And that prayer 
touches all the prayers which I ever prayed in this lifetime and perhaps other lifetimes as well..." 




Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

vaera - why in the world would Maimonides choose to live to the end in Egypt?


vaera - why in the world would Maimonides choose to live to the end in Egypt

Okay - Vaera - in this week's tora portion G- d says

"I will take you out of bondage and Egypt ... like we read in the Passover Hagadda

but why do  I write about Maimonides who lived 2600 years after the Exodus from Egypt?

The Jerusalem Talmud gives 3 sources for the Torah Prohibiting Jews from "going back to Egypt"

The theories behind the prohibition include:

1 the Israelites should not be a fraid in the desert and want to return

2 Israelites who set up their lives in Israel should never go back thinking the "grass is greener" there

3 no Jews should ever reside in that plae which (was? is?) the most debauched and inhuman of societies

4 - So why did Maimonides move there after being kicked out (with so many other Jews) of Spain, Moroco and maybe elsewhere?

Even without such a Law - after this week we read how special it is that G-d got us away from them?


So why pick the place G-d so strongly says in 4 different ways in this portion "I gotta get you outa here"?

Some say his rich brother convinced him and supported his study and writings

In my humble opinion

Maimonides was forced to.

Saladin was the ruler of much of the Middle East -

and when Maimonides went to Israel -

he probably needed protection from the constant war between Christian and Muslim armies -

so -

maybe Saladin heard about Maimonides

and accepted that only the best physician (a Jew) was what

he needed for the ruling class of Egypt

and he got Maimonides to stay there

(and write his masterpieces-

and spread the word of Hashem throughout the Jewish world).


sponsor Jewish learning and healing

LOve and shabbos

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz


Family for the Millenium? Cain and Able? Moses and Aron? Judah and Joseph?


Family for the Millenium? Cain and Able? Moses and Aron? Judah and Joseph?

I was asked by a teacher today " what "one-sentence" would be best to give out on a present to all the 15-year-old girls in her class?" 

I thought of Rabbi Shlomo who always quoted the Ishbitzer Rebbe about how Moses and Aron's brotherly love was taught to the world to fix the jealousy and anger (and crime) of Cain and Able. 

But this week's portion teaches us how Judah overcame his shame and redeemed himself for selling Joseph 

and offered to become a slave in Egypt so his brother Benjamin would not be made a slave. 

And Joseph forgave ALL his brothers because they showed remorse for their actions toward him.

what language to Jaob speak? and what language did Joseph speak?


what language to Jaob speak? and what language did Joseph speak?

this Torah thought is based on (and quotes) from Rabbi Shlomo (zatza"l) and Rabbi Buchwald of NJOP

8th Day of Chanuka 

In the darkest and scariest part of the torah - where our forefathers the 12 brothers are separated and our forefather Jacob lives in grief - yet our SPIRIT and connection to G-d and our Holy History gave us the light on the situation 

to PREVAIL in a HOLY way! 

Note: I'm sorry this didn't come before Shabbat - it was a VERY short day after my return to Israel from the Chanuka Concert in NY with Yisroel Juskowitz - so please enjoy this today ... 

we were uplifted by the strength of our forebears as taught in the Torah. 

.In the weekly portion - Reb Shlomo says- we learn - that 

Yaakov didn’t just see that there is food in Eygpt (to send his boys to purchase during the famine), 

(but) he had this highest vision that if Hashem made (it) so that 

in the darkest place in the world (corrupt Egypt) should be (have) food for he whole world 

there must be something deeper something much greater 

a salvation for all Yidden, 

The holy Grodzisker (who wrote) the Divrei Elimeilech says the deepest depth is 

we learn from this that even in the darkest place in the world Hashem makes us miracles and a great light comes out, 

even when its very dark we should be filled with joy for the light is round the corner, that’s why we kindle lights Chanuke in the darkest nights of the year, 

also at the end of the months, 

to show that we trust Hashem for great things to happen 

even when we least expect, 

may we all be blessed to see the light shining forever, Omein. 

ANd from Rabbi Buchwald on HOW TO DO THE SAME 

The story of Joseph is an affirmation of how to remain true to one's faith while still succeeding in non-Jewish society. (The Torah teaches us that) He spoke Egyptian without an accent and pretended not to understand Hebrew (which his family spoke). 

He dressed in royal robes. ... 

Joseph was so well disguised by his Egyptian identity that even his own brothers could not recognize him. 

The story of Joseph is an affirmation of how to remain true to one's faith while still succeeding in non-Jewish society. (like today's world) 

He spoke Egyptian without an accent and pretended not to understand Hebrew. He dressed in royal robes. and was ... disguised by his Egyptian identity .... 

Throughout his stunning career, however, Joseph never forgot who he was. When Joseph finally revealed himself, he declared: ". . .for it was to preserve life that God sent me before you" (Genesis 45:5). 




Chanuka in the eyes of - Rav Shlomo Carlebach


Chanuka in the eyes of - Rav Shlomo Carlebach

These are some words of inspiration from Rav Shlomo Carlebach zatza"l
Sweetest friends everybody knows that ... Hashem put in Yaakovs heart a special Love towards Yosef, so he will remember to be a holy Yiddele even in his darkest times of his life, (and) that’s why we kindle lights now Chanuke (lights) by the door (or opposite - so people see it when they walk in), 

we are telling our holy children, even when you go out in the world remember the warm shining light that we add every day one more with so much love and joy, 

please (children) remember the VoHavto es Hashem (LOVE G-d) 

even when you are UvLechtechu Baderech (going OUTSIDE), 

this (chanuka-love and ) light shines out even the darkest outside darkness ... 

this is a light that fills the world with so much joy, paving the way for Moshiach." 

wishing all a lot of light and joy and chanuka re-dedication 

to shabbos
to Jewish holidays
to love of G-d and all...
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

shabos message based on Rabbi Carlebach and the Zidichoive​r‏


Rabbi Shlomo said of the Zidichoiver's teaching

why do all Jewish kids love chanuka and purim? 
it's not about presents like some other groups! 

Yakov said to Esau (when they settled down and agreed to be friends a while 
- after so many years and the red stew and the blessing and the running away) 
("By the pace of the cattle and the pace of the children") 
'Regel haMlacha' - the PACE - can mean 
"the holidays Pesach, Shavuos, and Succos. 
'Regel haYiladim' can mean "the holidays of the children", which are Channukah and Purim. 
Rabbi Shlomo said- It is a mind-blowing commentary. 

Chanukah and Purim are the strongest holidays for the children. 
Chanukah and Purim are Meshiach's Yom Tovim (holidays suitable for a Messianic time of peace and understanding and NO MORE WAR - like how Jacob and Esau made up!!!) 
When we celebrate the past (like Passover) , the adults know more. 
When we are celebrating the future, the kids know best. 
Chanukah is the light of the FUTURE and Meshiach. which belongs to my children. 

love and shabbos from staten island new york- 
where my CENTER - OHEL ABRAHAM - is a collection center and 
my poeple are doing great things distributing to hurricane sandy victims! 
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

higher than high and deeper than deep


rabbi shlomo carlebach (zatza"l) - says that what Rachel did for Leah by sharing Jacob came from a place deep deep in the heart - a place that holds our real connection to G-d

and rabbi joshua hoffman quotes an explanation about Jacob's ladder -


Ya’akov, has a dream in which he sees a ladder placed on earth and rising up to heaven, with God standing next to it.

Rav Amnon Bazak, in his Nekudas Pesicha, compares and contrasts this dream of the ladder with the episode of the tower of Bavel.

In both cases, there is an image of uniting heaven and earth.

In the case of the tower, the builders intended to battle God

While the builders of the tower sought to unite in their defiance of God, Ya’akov sought unity in fealty to God.

In the years of studying God’s Torah - they imbued Ya’akov with a sense of awareness of his divine mission in raising a family, and inspired him to dedicate his family to the fulfillment of the God’s will.

The generation of dispersion, on the other hand, lacked this orientation, and misused the potentially positive quality of unity in order to constrict humanity and prevent it from serving God.

So how did Jacob have 4 wives if he served G-d?

If you look at the text - Rachel got him Leah, and Rachel and Leah BOTH gave him their maidservants - so it wasn't that Jacob was looking for that - but the sisters created the scenario that eventually led to the 12 tribes of Israel - which in the end was G-ds plan

Love and shabbos

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

now the big storm's over in NY what do we do?


Based on thoughts from Rabbi David Aron and Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach

(Rabbi Aron is author of a number of inspirational books


Everyone should have a few of Rabbi Carlebach's inspiring CD's)

So how do you get the most out of life the minute after a storm - or other disaster?


Rabbi Aron writes " make every day count?
Torah teaches that the secret to life is kavanah, Hebrew for “intention” or “attunement.”

Kavanah can also mean “focus” and “concentration.”

Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach said "JOY! It's what Mother Sarah put into every day of her life! (and into Abraham's)

Rabbi Aron writes: " the simply pleasures of our daily life are sacrificed by our inability to stay focused in the now.

How many times do we eat a delicious meal without enjoying even one bite because we are lost in our thoughts thinking about what will be tomorrow?

Why dream our lives away? Why suffer over what was but no longer is? How can we stop living in our fantasies of the future or in our memories of the past and start living in the now?

The Torah (Bible) tells us that Sarah lived for 127 years. ..

“And the life of Sarah was 127 years, these were the years of the life of Sarah.” ...

the Sages explain that the days of Sarah’s life equaled the days that she actually lived. In other words, a person may die at age 127 and even though their life lasting 127 years they did not live 127 years. They may have only lived 10 years of life and wasted the rest.

Most people... live now but our minds are on later or yesterday. We need to give our undivided attention to the present because this is when life is happening, right here and right now."


Love and Shabbos

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz