Parashat Hashavua

Portion vaYayShev - if you think YOU have Tzores (problems)

Portion vaYayShev - if you think YOU have Tzores (problems)

A little Modern Chanuka humor:

 I don't immediately delete all the health reminders I get from my email

 But why do I get one every day with the header Clogged Colon?

That one really sets me off

 And Ebay:

3 years ago I stopped buying on Ebay because they wouldnt let me pay in dollars only in shekels.

So why do I daily get threats that they want to cancel my account? Who cares?

 And Chanuka "messages about eating Dairy,

And defeating the cruel Greek culture of yester year?

 Is that why I am eating Greek Yogurt at 430 AM while writing this?


Okay there really are serious things to learn from this week s portion

 It says "Jacob lived in Israel" - okay,

 After making peace with his brother and escaping from a  dangerous father in law – what's "the learning" here?

 The commentators say

 "JAcob just wanted to live in peace

and then Joseph and the brothers start fighting

 Oiy Vey

 And it leads to Years of Sadness in  the

Family – and you know – in the  Whole World.


 Eventually it leads to world Famine!

Yes, and the starvation was caused by


 the ... Jews?

Wait! I didn't mean that


But in truth, that's what they were thinking –

 That "we did it" -

And the Canaanite neighbors wère

Getting NASTY.

 So Jacob was afraid like never before! And the brothers?

 Wake Up World!

The Almighty sent Joseph to

Egypt to Feed the World


 Many years ago my first Jerusalem apartment was on Simchoni Street - and next tò Dr Simchoni's apartment (no connection) who had

 all sorts of African .masks. So once  I asked him how come?

 Turns out he was sent by Israel to work in Africa in a field hospital - healing people

 for like 5 years.

 Why does Israel help out everywhere?

 Why does the portion show us how much work Jacob ha still to do?

 Is it about world peace


Is G-d is telling Jacob that the price of the Holy Land is to Help Create World Peace


So stay tuned and connected to

 The next 2 portions


Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz


Portion Vayish lach ... Back to the Garden

Portion Vayish lach ... Back to the Garden

In the portion Jacob is bringing his family back to Father Isaac in the Land of Cannan
Was he hoping to enter the Garden of Eden?
Jacob was a realist and always saw what was coming next on other people's selfish minds.

Over and Over Jacob uses his cunning and borderline unethical DIVERSIONS - 
but to a righteous end!
Do we learn from this portion that it's enough just to outwit evil?

Genius Jacob needs the Almighty to help him escape the destruction intended by Laban

and he has to confront his brother Esav who swore to kill him - and 
the Almighty gives him blessings
after he learns to wrestle with ANGELS!
LIFE, however, still creeps into Jacob's plans ... 
and then Joseph gets sold and "disappears" (see next week).
Maybe the Garden of Eden is seen in Jacob's
honesty of purpose, and
relying on the Almighty,
and facing the challenges from " the snake from the tree of knowledge",
and from greedy selfish people that are sadly still to be found,
at all levels of LIFE.
So did Jacob enjoy the Shabbat? Did his Father Isaac enjoy Shabbat?
Did the 12 sons and daughter practice Shabbat and work towards 
creating a Garden of Eden?
Hopefully more as the Isreal Experience Develops
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion Shemote: Burning Baby (car), Burying the (passing) Jews, and the Flight to Israel

Portion Shemote: Burning Baby (car), Burying the (passing)  Jews, and the Flight to Israel
What a Portion - a whole new life - a new beginning
for the Children of Israel (of Jacob) and a message to us every day!
First some questions - Was it easy for Moses' mother to hide him for three months?
While the other kids were being tossed into the Nile, his Mom Yocheved hides him - like during the holocaust.
Somehow there was always someone ratting on others - so it WAS A MIRACLE THEY (or anyone) SURVIVED!
And it is obvious that Moses' father hid his wife Yocheved for a few months too, and brought them food - like in some holocaust stories.
And those holocaust stories of bravery are true!
Don't Ever Forget every Jew who survived the holocaust was a miracle story.
I personally know someone born in a ghetto and hidden for a year,
and someone born in a cave under the noses of first the Nazis and then the Russians! Lives in NJ.
So the Torah gives us a glimpse into the cruelty of the Egyptians (some of ther world) 
and the bravery of Moshe's family.
May we be saved from the cruelty of the world 
- and may the world FINALLY GET IT that G-d wants gentleness devotion and love.
So unfortunately David from NY suddenlypassed on this week with no children.
The people from work and his neighbors - mostly gentiles -
described his gentleness and helpfulness for many years.  
May those feelings of appreciation carry over to others and to other good deeds in David's memory. Indeed he was a caring and sweet man - I'm sure he was like Moshe's father Amram - who probably was able to save his family because people loved him and everyone covered for him despite the Egyptian cruelty.
David's Holy Cousins arranged the funeral which I performed on Wednesday - 
a Great Mitzva - despite my crazy USA schedule and
before rushing to the airport to come back to the Holy Land.
On the way - my friend's car caught fire! 
On the NJ Turnpike we were going towards the Lincoln tunnel.
Hundreds of cars passing us and honking on BOTH SIDES! - But nobody stopping.
Mike the driver runs out, gets me and his son out, and grabs a few things while I and the son run to the side.
After a few minutes a big white car drives up and stops.
Forget terrorists and kidnappers (first thoughts of the others).
This not uyoung lady with a heavy Russian accent says "can I give you a lift to port authority?" (NYC bus station).
She says "I am not Jewish but I see an old (thanks!) Rabbi with a white beard 
standing with a suitcase opposite a fire on the highway
"How can I not stop the traffic and offer you a ride?
"It is like me seeing Moses and the Burning Bush in this desert of unfeeling humanity."
Meanwhile there is all this honking and what to do? My friend is calling for a tow, traffic is stalled -
so I said goodbye to my friends who agreed... I
throw my stuff intot the car - and get to New York!
There her friend - the owner of the car - drives me to JFK and I make the plane on time!
So Shemote is the story of saving others
then of inspiration at the burning bush
and the difficult decision to do what's right in the face of threats (Pharoah and the New Jersey Turnpike Traffic).
May we all be inspired to be part of the rebirth of humanity in the spirit of the Bible.
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion Toledot Isaac and Eyes and Children

Portion Toledot Isaac and Eyes and Children
The Medrash says Isaac was blind, and couldn't see the way his children's actions.
In this portion we see Father Isaac - this son of Abraham - in various situations -
In some he shines,
But with regards his children?
Did he really not "see" - or couldn't understand? And what's that to us?
Didn't he and Rebecca communicate? The Medrash says that they, too, were from different generations!
What is it that makes inter-generation understanding so confused - is it
The times that seem to change so much or fast, or
Is it that we forget we were once children and
Needed to learn so much in order to fit in, and
Have a comfort zone, and
Succeed socially and economically?
Two things here in the Portion become obvious:
Parents are supposed to communicate with one another, and
Children need communication too.
And ancient times seem not so different from us today!
Do you communicate with children?
How about your parents - and - those that came before?
Is "Kaddish" the only connection between "Western" Jews and generations gone by?
There is a beautiful prayer in the Sephardic morning service
Portraying how Rabbi Shimon (of the  Zohar).  "Says, as speaking to the Almihgty AND
To our forefathers and foremothers:
(And is responded to by
 the shechina (spirit)
And  the Almighty)
"Arise those who are sleeping in Hebron....
You who are with the Shechina - the Holiness of the Almighty.. "
Were our ancestors so much closer to  G-d and G-dly Spirit?
Or are we to learn from this prayer 
How to call to them 
To waken in ourselves
The Shichina - and closeness to the Almighty?
Shouldn't we all in our souls call out to our Jewish Roots
And our Connection to Holiness?
Especially on Shabbat
Don't be "blind" to the competition between Jacob and Esau -Esav
What did the holy parents Isaac and Rebecca think about the life styles of the children
How could they have better kept the family - and the connection of humanity-
closer together...
and us?
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion of Vayeirah – and it appeared to Abraham (after the Bris-es in his household:

Portion of Vayeirah – and it appeared to Abraham (after the Bris-es in his household:

Back to normal after the party – right?
But NOT after minor surgery – right?
Yet here is Abraham in the desert looking to invite 3 little heathens into his home …

From Rabbi Moshe Tzv Nerya OB"M (thanks to his son Zev):

Abraham loved the world and all its inhabitants as the Almighty loves them – BECAUSE of the GOOD they are DESTINED to ACCOMPLISH – and that's how he SEES THEM –
Little angels or little heathens – ALL part of the Almighty's plan.
From the thoughts of Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach: "and it APPEARED to Abraham …
that there were three people walking in the desert – "

Yet when he invites them for a meal and to rest a little bit "by him" – they show to be angels, 
and bless him and Sarah with a child Isaac (who WILL bring laughter to the WORLD),

And they save Lot, and his daughters, who will EVENTUALLY bring birth to King David- (and LATER ON the Jewish Moshiach who WILL BRING ABOUT the Almighty's redemption-)

All this for just a few matzos, hamburgers, a seat in the shade …!

SO REMEMBER THIS WEEK – the anniversary of Rabbi Shlomo's passing – when we read
This week's Torah portion-
What we REALLY can leave for the world!

Shabbat Shalom from Israel
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion chayei Sarah - but Purim ain't for another 4 months- so who is "In the Clutches of ....."

Portion chayei Sarah - but Purim ain't for another 4 months- so who is "In the Clutches of ....."
This week in the portion writes about Sara bein buried in Hebron and it says
"She lived
100 years and
20 years and
7 years.
So what? The last 50 years she spent with Abraham but being taken captive by Pharoah -
and worse, by the lecherous King Avimelech!
Rashi explains that at 100 years she was beautiful like at 20
and at 20 as modest as a child of 7 -
Free from sin as a child!
But she was in the clutches of Middle Eastern tyrants - 
Until the Almihhty appeared to warn Avimelech
and finally she was no longer in danger
The opposite numerology lesson is recorded in Megilat Esther -
7 and
20 and
100 Vassal States and their rulers.
Is tbeŕ any connection in those numbers?
A friend pointed out that the modesty of \Sarah
Is the message in the Megila - the lesson for all Jewish Children of Abraham and Sarah
Esther is in the clutches of a drunken tyrant king - Ahashverosh -
But Esther's purity and wisdom TOTALLY WOW him -
and King Achashverosh offers Esther "half my kingdom"
But she doesn"bite"!
In the end Esther and Mordechai rule it all! The 127 states ...
And the Temple in Jerusalem gets re-built because of them
For over 400 years it stands ...until - well - there are other teachings for later on.
Shabat Shalom and Health
And Thank You All!!!
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz 

Porton MeeKatz The Maccabbees win it in he Ninth!

It was the world series of wars in the middle east
And to borow from Rabbi Beryl Wein
The Maccabees combined consistency with creativity
Beat he Greek warmongers and left the Egyptians far behind
Created a legacy of Holiness Despite Critics and Malingerers
Fought the Rabbis but gave them Respect and Room
To Forge the Mishna
ReDedicate the Temple
Teach the timeless Tora
And Save the Sabbafh
So lets celebrate
Make Kidush Lashem
Catch the rhyhm of Shabbat
Love and Shabos from Israel
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion Vayera - From the Worst to the Best?

Portion Vayera - From the Worst to the Best?
The portion CONTRASTS the faithfulness of Abraham with the corruption and evil in Sodom,
where Abraham's nephew went to live.
Rabbi Neriya's (OB"M) book talking on this portion points out about the difference 
between "knowing G-d's Will" (to do) 
and knowing "G-d Knowledge" (on a spiritual plane). 
Here we have Abraham teaching the world not to perform human sacrifice to idols - 
And he is commanded to take his son and put him on the alter on the Temple Mount!
Maimonides was a Master of all that, - the difference between
G-d knowledge - and knowing what G-d's REAL WILL is - something Abraham had to learn.
The Torah Story teaches us that: It is something one learns ONLY by Faithfully Testing Oneself with 
the Commands of the Almighty (as written in the Torah)!
So ....  Not so many people are aware how the "Bal Haturim" (as he was called)
was also a truly great Master of all that.  
(He wrote the Arba Turim
which are the standard reference books of all rabbis and scholars to this very day).
Known as Rabbi Jacob ben Asher - he also wrote a commentary on the Torah, which shows his deep knowledge of the secrets of the Torah. 
In discussing the evilness of Sodom, he explained the use of the word "Poh" (here) "Where Lote the nephew lived"
he explained the numerical connection between POH - place of Evil, "85 gematria"
and the name BOAZ
Grandfather of King David
"Poh" from the story of anshei sedom
teaching G-d's will - is that OUR JOB - 
And bring forth redemption 
With the Boaz people of the world !
Shabat Shalom and Health to all
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

Portion LechLecha : What was Abraham thinking?

Portion LechLecha : What was Abraham thinking?
How did Abraham and Sarah come to that conclusion?
This week Rabbi Jacobsen implied some good questions.
Is it really so difficult to recognize your life’s mission?  
Our traditions teach us that once Abraham as a kid started to connect with the Almighty
he never lost that focus. He knew his job was to teach the masses and get them away 
from corruption and idolatry.
But where did the Bris come in?
It  took time to realize this was a culmination of FIRST STAGE JUDAISM!
To paraphrase Rabbi Jacobsen:
keeping goals in sight is hard because we get distracted by
 struggleS for survival, which can easily even convince ourselves that we don’t need – or don’t have – a mission.
 The physical here and now becomes all that matters. 
Even people who are committed to discover their mission find it difficult to do so. Determination is vital; but something somehow seems to stand in the way between you and your mission.  
Something it is HARD TO FIGURE OUT how
MAYBE that's why it took a while for Abraham ... This whole Parsha
To connect to the Mitzvah. 
Today so many people say "I will circumcize - but have the doctor do it "-
but that is without making the blessing.
Get some blessing so
Give some blessing s
And have a great healthy Shabbat
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz

What do you do with a Leper? Portion of Metzora

What do you do with a Leper? Portion of Metzora


What do you do with a Leper? Portion of Metzora 
Of course - you CURE them! 
And when it's time for them to return to the community - 
the Torah says "you take for them 2 birds ..." 

Later in the Portion Metzora - about other sacrifices - 
it says "They will take" - 

so the secret of the DIFFERENCE we can only learn from Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach (zatza"l) 

Who's more a leper to society than the people roaming the streets? 

One of the Rabbis of Manhattan once told me 
"Rabbi Shlomo took us on a tour of Riverside Park- 
at midnight last night- 
and he taught us how to do the Mitzva of Charity- 
we went around and talked with all the HOMELESS people 
sleeping in the park 

and gave them some money - 
but the most important was to talk with them" 

Because the Torah says "take for them 2 birds" 
the Kohen helps them in the process of returning to the community ... 

Let us all be a part of the redemption as we prepare for Passover 

Love and Shabbos from Israel 

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz