Portion - Matos Maasei: Did you ever Pass a Rainstorm in a Desert?
- פרטים
- קטגוריה: Parashat Hashavua
- פורסם בשישי, 09 יולי 2021 13:12
- נכתב על ידי Super User
- כניסות: 902
In Portion Balak there is a "Talking Donkey" and it's Master – the Worrisome Wizzard (Bilam)
There is the Crazy King (Balak) who dreams he is really Grass being Eaten by an Ox – so on "advisement", he sends women –missionaries to convert the Israelites to Idolatry. Smart?
Where is the Relevance for Today? Read the Torah Portion - AND
Just read the Israel Today Newspaper about anti-Semitism!
And see the INN article about the dead missionary buried as an Ultra-Orthodox person!
The paper quoted a British foreign minister – speaking on Anti Semitism thru the ages
And the butcher of Teheran as - Iran's new President!
WHY Couldn't Balak just be like Edom and just ask the Israelites "not to enter our Land"?
Or even JUST SELL WATER TO THE JEWS as Moses asked all the nations (in today's Jordan)?
The foreign minister recapped the ancient Greek anti Semitism thru 2000 years to Germany, up to current Arab Anti-Semitism.
So who is the Talking Donkey today? Is she (yes, in the portion it is a female donkey) Iranian or European – or in the West? Or the Missionary woman buried a few months ago in Israel because she "operated" for years dressed as an Ultra Orthodox woman!(Currently there is an outcry to move her …)
Did he have an IRRATIONAL FEAR and HATRED fanned by EVIL ADVISORS?
Why didn't ALL the Canaanites make peace with the Israelites who left Egypt? (some
I just had a granddaughter born and its almost shabbat
Why can't the world get it?
Who actually reads the writing on the wall"?
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תשובהתשובה לכולםהעברה
Shabbat Shalom and Health and Success and Joy Rabbi Andy Eichenholz Writing at dawn from the beautiful Judean Mountains outside of Jerusalem |
Portion Bamidbar : the Army the Airforce and the Guys Below the Hill Here
In this week's portion Moses and the tribal leaders review the Israelite soldiers,
before marching off to conquer Canaan.
What does the Gerer Rebbe Sefat Emet (quoting Medrash Tanchuma) explain? That
each and every one of us - each and every day (especially on Shabbat)
You know, I could have called my "talk" here "the Defense Minister and the Gerer Rebbe"
But since I started this draft - there are Arabs massing and organizing below this hill -
and it don't sound pretty. Yesterday a neighbor was hit by a rock from "a neighbor".
Defense Minister Gans is attacking Gaza - hopefully what's left of an administration here
will do away with the Terror Infrastructure and pay off Abbas and Fatah to return Gaza to
the control of less bloodthirsty Arabs. Who Knows? BUT BUT BUT -
Are you with us America?
Are we doing this just for ourselves? The Sfat Emet says WE AR DOING IT TO TEACH THE WORLD TO END TERRORISM.
Which Do you think would give the Iranians more pleasure?
To atomic-bomb Israel and have the fallout blow over to Iran
Or to blow up DC or LA or NY?
Israel to them is a "usurper"
but the US IS to them THE DEVIL. RIGHT?
So -What was the reasoning behind Moses surveying and counting the troops in the desert?
To make us feel
Divided into little militias?
Equal and Competitive?
To put G-dly purpose and structure to this unwieldy assembly of freed slaves? OR
Did the Almjghty want to imbue them with some self respect and PURPOSE?
Witness Israeli troops fightjng to protect the Jewish G,-dliness of Israel and Israeli people
This and all other wars areTestimony to thhe Almighty's People Land and Torah
I dont have all the answers to anything
So many things are so hidden
This is a world where we all have come so far,
And yet simple things sometimes trip us up
Despite the best intentions we may have
I study in Yiddish a few minutes a day- mostly the wild stories of Rebbe Nachman.
This morning we read about the blind hobo admitting at a wedding that he was not really blind!
He says " I just dont want to look at the world like it is".
On Shabbat its like that. I just dont NEED to DO STUFF or make phone calls (except in emergencies like WAR).
Keeing Shabbat Even a Few Hours At A Time is-
like the Sefat Emet wrote -
doing TESTIMONY for G-d's purpose and plan - and is a spiritual joy for THE WORLD!
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz