Portion Key Tavo ... of Curses and Songs
- פרטים
- קטגוריה: Parashat Hashavua
- פורסם בשישי, 27 אוגוסט 2021 11:57
- נכתב על ידי Super User
- כניסות: 844
Portion Shoftim – Judges? Need Judges OR - ?
The Portion begins with Judges and Policemen – as with the whole 5th book of the Torah the commandments of the first 4 are repeated and enhanced the month before Moses passes.
In the middle of warning Israel not to follow the witchcraft of the Canaanites, there is ALMOST lost in the middle a POSITIVE COMMANDMENT to be TAMIM – huh? Translate:
"Be Simple- or be Perfect – IM HASHEM – with the Almighty your G-d."
Everyone reads the RASHI commentary which says "be Simple" in dealing with G-d and his ways and Mitzvas. DON'T BE A WISE GUY. And Rashi speaks to ALL generations.
But in MY understanding – you need to Connect to those Simply close to G-d – so here's what I wrote(in Hebrew) to someone going for a major test this week . (In English! Now)
Years ago my friend M was doing his military service – assigned to Guarding the Western Wall – 10PM to Dawn! IMPORTANT! But pretty boring, huh?
So, like a friend, I would sometimes hang out with M for a few hours – usually the last few hours of his shift.
We are friends since 2nd grade. But mostly we talked about "TODAY". He would tell me of the various wierdos who came out to THE WALL at midnight. I told him my experiences living in Crown Heights for a few years.
He once SIMPLY said: Wow! Living with all those (Lubavitcher) Hassidim, you (I) must have gotten very deep into PRAYER.
M is a genius and a Rabbi/Teacher – not a simple guy but a VERY perfectly close-
I am in Israel, trying to simply stay close TO those simply close to the Almighty, Blessing all.
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz
Portion Aykev in the Park Hotel
the portion says "if It happens that you will listen. (To my commandments)
So how was it that
many years ago
One Passover night - while fulfilling the SEDER commandments
A few naval Arabs floated in to where we are praying now
Killed families
And children?
You shouldn't know from this here now -
let's hope for the future,
but we need to understand....
Evil ... The Kabbalists call it " the Primordial Snake "
Cursed in the Garden of Eden to be our enemy ... for "tripping us up".
The Kabalists say "the snake" (or its surrogates)
weasels into our minds that
We should demean some commandments ... And
that leads to eventually dropping them all!
Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach says,
We Jews fight the Snake - but how?
We do it with Simcha! Doing even LITTLE mitzvas with JOY!
Especially stuff that "doesn't look important" -
do it for the Almighty with JOY!
Do it for the Shabbos - with JOY!
Say gutt shabbos to 10 people this week -B Simcha - with JOY!
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz
After 800 years, the Church of England has announced that it will formally apologize for adopting antisemitic laws that directly led to the expulsion of British Jews in 1290.
“The phrase ‘better late than never’ is truly appropriate here,” said Dave Rich, the policy director of a British antisemitism watchdog group, adding: “The historic trauma of medieval English antisemitism can never be erased and its legacy survives today — for example, through the persistence of the ‘blood libel’ allegation that was invented in this country.”
This is one of multiple steps taken by the Church of England to improve relations with British Jews in the past few years. In 2019, it emphasized the value of the Christian-Jewish relationship, recognizing that centuries of Christian antisemitism in Europe paved the way for the Holocaust.
In Portion Balak there is a "Talking Donkey" and it's Master – the Worrisome Wizzard (Bilam)
There is the Crazy King (Balak) who dreams he is really Grass being Eaten by an Ox – so on "advisement", he sends women –missionaries to convert the Israelites to Idolatry. Smart?
Where is the Relevance for Today? Read the Torah Portion - AND
Just read the Israel Today Newspaper about anti-Semitism!
And see the INN article about the dead missionary buried as an Ultra-Orthodox person!
The paper quoted a British foreign minister – speaking on Anti Semitism thru the ages
And the butcher of Teheran as - Iran's new President!
WHY Couldn't Balak just be like Edom and just ask the Israelites "not to enter our Land"?
Or even JUST SELL WATER TO THE JEWS as Moses asked all the nations (in today's Jordan)?
The foreign minister recapped the ancient Greek anti Semitism thru 2000 years to Germany, up to current Arab Anti-Semitism.
So who is the Talking Donkey today? Is she (yes, in the portion it is a female donkey) Iranian or European – or in the West? Or the Missionary woman buried a few months ago in Israel because she "operated" for years dressed as an Ultra Orthodox woman!(Currently there is an outcry to move her …)
Did he have an IRRATIONAL FEAR and HATRED fanned by EVIL ADVISORS?
Why didn't ALL the Canaanites make peace with the Israelites who left Egypt? (some
I just had a granddaughter born and its almost shabbat
Why can't the world get it?
Who actually reads the writing on the wall"?