Portion What? On the way to Where? NY! "Land of Korach"
- פרטים
- קטגוריה: Parashat Hashavua
- פורסם בחמישי, 22 יוני 2023 09:35
- נכתב על ידי Super User
- כניסות: 392
Portion What? On the way to Where? NY! "Land of Korach"
This week in NY we read the Toràh portion read LAST SHABBAT in Israel.
Ashkenazi men getting married have an Aliya to the Torah the week before their wedding
While Sepharadi men have their Aliya the week AFTER.
Confusion? Some times it helps!
Before I left this morning I gave a gift to a young neighbor getting married next week
I would have liked to be at this "RomeoJuliet" like wedding
but it is in Israel and I will be in Staten Island (if thè plane makes it pleáse G-d)
R-J like?
Yes the groom's parents had a few objections - but it is said that " G-d mixed up the world's nations during history
In order to protect the Jewish people",and
Maybe there are also little "issues" before weddings to
Protect Young Couples from some other unseen and more Satanic interferences!
I didnt know the groom - just the bride"s family
But my 15 year old recognized the guy's picture
As a major "influencer" for Jewish religious observance!
And today - there are so many interferences with people who want to be close to G-dliness
Sort of Satanic interferences may I say?
Last Shabbat I was studying things with a rabbi friend I hope to quote during the next 2 Shabbatot - especially about the joy of
Shabbat Shalom
Rabi Andy Eichenholz