Portion Shoftim – Judges? Need Judges OR - ?
- פרטים
- קטגוריה: Parashat Hashavua
- פורסם בשישי, 13 אוגוסט 2021 14:12
- נכתב על ידי Super User
- כניסות: 673
Portion Shoftim – Judges? Need Judges OR - ?
The Portion begins with Judges and Policemen – as with the whole 5th book of the Torah the commandments of the first 4 are repeated and enhanced the month before Moses passes.
In the middle of warning Israel not to follow the witchcraft of the Canaanites, there is ALMOST lost in the middle a POSITIVE COMMANDMENT to be TAMIM – huh? Translate:
"Be Simple- or be Perfect – IM HASHEM – with the Almighty your G-d."
Everyone reads the RASHI commentary which says "be Simple" in dealing with G-d and his ways and Mitzvas. DON'T BE A WISE GUY. And Rashi speaks to ALL generations.
But in MY understanding – you need to Connect to those Simply close to G-d – so here's what I wrote(in Hebrew) to someone going for a major test this week . (In English! Now)
Years ago my friend M was doing his military service – assigned to Guarding the Western Wall – 10PM to Dawn! IMPORTANT! But pretty boring, huh?
So, like a friend, I would sometimes hang out with M for a few hours – usually the last few hours of his shift.
We are friends since 2nd grade. But mostly we talked about "TODAY". He would tell me of the various wierdos who came out to THE WALL at midnight. I told him my experiences living in Crown Heights for a few years.
He once SIMPLY said: Wow! Living with all those (Lubavitcher) Hassidim, you (I) must have gotten very deep into PRAYER.
M is a genius and a Rabbi/Teacher – not a simple guy but a VERY perfectly close-
I am in Israel, trying to simply stay close TO those simply close to the Almighty, Blessing all.
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz