Portion Emor - on Death, and Holidays, Tuma and Tragedy
- פרטים
- קטגוריה: Parashat Hashavua
- פורסם בשישי, 30 אפריל 2021 13:05
- נכתב על ידי Super User
- כניסות: 879
Portion Emor - on Death, and Holidays, Tuma and Tragedy
(Tuma means :ritual impurity" - often associated with being in contact with a deceased person)Yesterday in Meron, Israel, Somebody Slipped and their Fellows Fell;And tragedy was like the Pandemmic ... And souls left the world last night on Meron Mountain.Please o G-d, teach us your ways -that they enter into Every Heart!We Must not Fall - We must not Fail -for the sake of all Israel and the World.There are no holy words to comfort after this tragedy...The Almighty could not comfort Aaron on the loss of 2 of his sons.I remember when I couldn't comfort my grandfather when he lost his second son (my Uncle Mo when I was 13)And Moshe - Moses- cannot comfort us this portion - this week .. whereThe Priest is enjoined from being in contact with the deceased in the beginning of the portion-But can the end of our portion here -teachings of the HolyDaysconnect holidays to help comfort those new mourners - or at least DIRECT us somewhat?The Chief Rabbi says "don't start with the blaming." He is correct. But we need more positive ideas!I say we Must Teach (sensitivity? decorum? safety? control?)Reb Shlomo Carlebach said - we are supposed to SHINE ... shine a Holy LightInto every heart and soul (maybe transferring some of what I wrote just above).This week's Portion concludes with a review of our HolyDays - for many reasons ...The Almighty is found there in those Holidays-and is waiting for us on Shavuote TO RECEIVE THE TORAH IN A PLEASANT WAY.Not LIKE YESTERDAY on MOUNT Meron -but in Jerusalem, like it was in Mount SinaiShabbat Shalom - and may Hashem comfort all Israel soon - and all the worldRabbi Andy Eichenholz