
Portion Bamidbar in Israel - Bechukow Thai in the Diaspora - why donate to the Temple

Portion Bamidbar in Israel - Bechukow Thai in the Diaspora - why donate to the Temple
So the earlier (way ahead of) things, this week's portion,Bamidbar - read in Israel tomorrow , talks about counting and recounting the Children of Israel in the Sinai Desert.
The  portion read this week in the Diaspora - Bechukothai -  talks about valuations of different kids of donations to the Temple.
So tell me if you can - is the Temple Cult all about money? 
Nothing could be further from the truth if you realize that the Torah is a SPIRITUAL GUIDE, not just a bunch of rules.
Every person in every status has a value - and that value can be connected to the Jewish Enterprise.
Every person in Judaism's philosophy - COUNTS - and the numbers are grouped by tribe as well as total individuals -
So we will all know that we count - BOTH BY OURSELVES  AND TO THE GROUP.
Donating makes one more committed to the whole of Israel - and makes you feel well also!
So - know G-d thinks of EVERY PERSON,
and about EVERY GROUP,
and CONNECT yourself to the holy groups and get closer to G-d in every way.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz