Portion Pinchas – the Torah in a Nutshell!
- פרטים
- קטגוריה: Parashat Hashavua
- פורסם בשלישי, 01 דצמבר 2020 18:14
- נכתב על ידי Super User
- כניסות: 892
Portion Pinchas – the Torah in a Nutshell!
The portion is Filled with All the Goodness of G-d!
On a simple level the portion explains Judaism soup to nuts:
The Almighty (up front in the portion)
tells Moses to Count the People - BECAUSE EVERYBODY COUNTS!
and sadly still unheard of in many places in the world!
(Never put anyone down - because you never know who secretly is doing Big Mitzvas!)
Then - the last portions- give us rules of
CELEBRATING - through the TEMPLE- for
All the holidays – that make up a Whole Year
All the People are holy- and every day of the year is holy.
But is there a deeper message hidden in the middle?
The five daughters of Zelophchad confront Moses and say-
"We want a piece of Israel when everyone gets land - not just the guys!"
And Moshe - who never thought to confront the Almighty - has to ask-
And the answer is - YES!
Israel is for everyone -
and then we learn the rules of Celebrating Every Day in the Temple.... all year round ...
EVEN IN THE SUMMER! So ... Welcome to Jewish Adulthood you great bar-mitzva kids
and Welcome to Jerusalem the Heart of Israel my birthright students!
Shabbat Shalom - and Mazel Tov to Everyone!
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz