Portion Chukat - "So you 3 had a pretty good run ...huh ... Moses Aron and Miriam..."
- פרטים
- קטגוריה: Parashat Hashavua
- פורסם בשלישי, 01 דצמבר 2020 14:22
- נכתב על ידי Super User
- כניסות: 695
Portion Chukat - "So you 3 had a pretty good run ...huh ... Moses Aron and Miriam..."
When Joshua is about to enter Israel the Almighty appears to him and says the
same words that Moshe Rabaynu used to Bless Joshua with Leadership of Israel -
"Chazak ... Chazak... Chazak ..." (said it 3 times) (Chazak means be strong)
MAYBE Joshua was in doubt of his ability to lead the cantankerous Israelites -
And maybe he wished he had a Miriam and an Aron to help out like Moses!
So he hears from the L-rd THREE blessings to BE STRONG !!! Strong like the THREE LEADERS!
We need to hear what the portion is telling us this week-
(and what the Almighty sends)
sanctify yourselves with the Red Heiffer ...(FAITH)
stear clear of death (a whole nother lecture)
honor those great leaders who came before you
(Aron and Miriam both pass on in this portion - and the Israelites wept)
Moses sends word to our cousins Edom - but they don't let us pass thru to Israel
THE ISRAELITES then send word to the other nations surrounding Canaan -
and they don't let us through-
So we the ISRAELITES defeat them in Jordan and the Golan Heights.
Gotta be Joshua the leader - still under guidance of Moshe Rabaynu ...
with the support of All the People of Israel
May we be blessed CHAZAK and may we protect the whole People of Israel
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz