
Portion of Behar BechuKotai

Portion of Behar BechuKotai

Double Portions are always hard to grasp in a nutshell
And here we have the culmination of the whole third book of the Torah! Starting off with
The essence of Sinai and the essence of holiness - and "wholiness" - humanity - as Rabbi Neria wrote:
Here we have The laws of Release and Resting of the land on the Sabbatical year
Whose purpose is to remind everyone to restore their Souls and Spirituality - at least once in a while!
To ditch the rat race for a year was NEVER easy - and today?
And do what? Be what?
So here is the take From rabbi Aron in Israel  (Oraita Organization)
 from his book -  Sparks - by Rabbi David Aaron
The Torah says "For unto Me the children of Israel are servants; they are My servants who
I took out of the land of  Egypt; I am the Lord G- d." ~~
Leviticus  25:55
  There is an Eastern teaching thatproclaims, "Be  here and now." 
Torah however wouldsay, "Serve G-d here and now."    Indeed, this is the fullest experience
  of life.
The Kabbalah teaches that G-d
wants to Be Present - in  the here and now, and our job is to serve G-d in that  desire. 
Therefore, to serve G-d
means to infuse each moment
  with the presence of G-d. In other
(here I paraphrase)
I can always ask  myself, "How can I serve G- d
  now?"  -and make myself more aware of the Almighty in This World
Giving myself a holy and wholly and Torah dimension and Torah light into this
Sabbatical time.
Blessing you all with a Sabbath of Joy and a Sabbatical of wholiness ...
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz