
Portion of Braishis and Why World Diplomacy is Hung Up on the Jewish People!

Portion of Braishis and Why World Diplomacy is Hung Up on the Jewish People!
So the world is created - and the portion describes "the Beginning" - BUT
In a few different ways, Because as we all know -LIFE just Ain't that simple!
So the masters explain One Important descriptions which starts out with
(This is MY ROUGH TRANSLATION of the Torah Language)
"This is the story BEHEE Baram" (when CREATED)
The masters point out: BEHEE Baram is the same letters as "Abraham"
Just a little moved around - MEANING
That the continuation of the world STORY evolves around ABRAHAM
(And his descendents - Us!)
Keep that in mind when the news always talks about the Middle East -
Because whatever we do or happens to us - we pave the way of world progress - 
May it be for Good and for a Great Shabbos
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz