Portion of Naso in Israel (Bamidbar in the Exile) - Have a Heart, Boss!
- פרטים
- קטגוריה: Parashat Hashavua
- פורסם בשלישי, 01 דצמבר 2020 05:15
- נכתב על ידי Super User
- כניסות: 728
The first 2 portions of the Fourth Book of the Torah Five discuss a lot about the leadership of the Israelites - as we wrote last week.
In Naso there are sections dealing with the Priests Levites and the Presidents of the Tribes.
Rebetzin Jungreis (may she be blessed for long and healthy life) wrote recently reminding us that the Last letter of the Torah is Lamed and the First is Bet - spelling Lev - HEART!
We read the Torah in a cycle - starting afresh right away on Simchat Torah right after finishing the 5 books each year.
So the Rebetzin reminds us (my understanding) that the Torah IMPLIES - LEV - HEART -
good heart, big heart, sensitive heart - it's what makes the Torah go round - and the Yiddishkeit eternal.
All the commentaries point to the leaders of the tribes donating to the Mishkan - the Tabernacle in the desert -
with a FULL HEART.
May we all have a heart this Shabbat and this Yom Tov of Shavuot which starts right after shabbat
Love and Shabbos and all the best from Israel
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz