
Portion of Ha ah zee nu - what music! what a song!

Portion of Ha ah zee nu - what music! what a song!

Well - Really it is not so complimentary to the Jewish People what Moses sings ...
it's not morose but it is haunting and to evoke emotional response!

Moses had a life full of complex relationships with the 12 tribes

but in the Torah we see that he dealt with it by SINGING A SONG OR THREE!

(and so should we)

As Rabbi Carlebach always said

if 2 people are talking at the same time - nobody gets heard

but if 2 people sing at the same time, they MAY create HARMONY
Let's do a little harmony here! Sukkot is a great time to start!!!!
shabbat shalom 

and love from the airport - on the way Home to the Holy Land

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz