
Portion of Lech Le Cha – Abraham and US Today

Portion of Lech Le Cha – Abraham and US Today

I was asked to speak at a Bris yesterday for some English Speakers. An Israeli Rabbi had spoken and said "the (security) situation is difficult but don' worry".

I was thinking WHY we need not "worry".

I remembered that Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach was interviewed in the 1990's about the Arab attacks then, and he said things like (Quoted in the Zivi Richie book "PEACE" )

"We are the strongest people in the world. Just imagine the scene –
Esau came with 400 soldiers to attack Jacob and keep him from coming home to Israel. How could Jacob defeat his brother's plan?

Yet Jacob and his 4 Jewish wives and 11 children overcame Esau and his army!"
The confrontation ended with Jacob/Israel settling back home in the land of Canaan and Esau going back to Saudi Arabia.

Rabbi Carlebach also said in that interview -

 "We live in a world today where we don't need to apologize for being Jewish"

In this portion Abraham our forefather was/is commanded  that Jewish boys should be circumcised as part of the covenant between Abraham and the Almighty.

In some countries they are still trying to pick fights with the Israelite traditions and our Israelite nation – to the point of attacking circumcision and attacking us physically.

We simply need to remind the WORLD that ours is a STRONG and PEACEFUL tradition that THEY should learn – and RESPECT –
and maybe then there can be peace AND SHABBOS for the whole world.

Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz