
Buh Hah Ah Lowt Cha - The Ark and the Father in Law?

Buh Hah Ah Lowt Cha  - The Ark and the Father in Law?

This portion has many themes – and they don't SEEM connected.But let's see ...

When the Ark of the Tablets moves and indicates the Israelites have t o move on,
Moses prays "Oh L-rd – disperse our enemies before us"
 Okay – so how is that related to the rest of the portion?

There's another small section – where Moses asks Yisro (Jethro) his father in law to stay with the Israelites. "You can be our eyes as we go through the desert "(on the way to Canaan).
Yisro answers "I need to go to my homeland" – meaning Midian.

How old was Moses' father-in-law if Moses was around 100? Pretty NOT YOUNG I would say.
Why travel alone in the desert at that advanced age?

Now remember – in a few weeks we read how Bilam the witch and Balak the hired war-king AND the Midianites – make trouble for the Israelites!
So if Jethro cares for his grandchildren – why would he go be with the source of those attacking his grandchildren?

It MAY be possible that Moses said Oh L-rd – disperse our enemies before us while Jethro was still with the Israelites, and Jethro felt "a calling".

Maybe Jethro acted publicly PURPOSELY going on alone through the Sinai desert
so he and his family in Midian (from his other 6 daughters he had more grandchildren)
could spy out the territory and help Israel –
as it says later in the prophets (Judges) that many of Jethro's descendants were at peace with Israel

So these two items can be related – and the rest of the portion – I suggest a lot of study for the long summer Shabbat afternoon.

Love and Shabbos from Israel

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz