מתחזקות ביחד בצניעות

Portion Bechukotai – What's that? A "holocaust-syndrome"!

Portion Bechukotai – What's that? A "holocaust-syndrome"!
Actually we've written before how great spiritual masters like the Hassidic Rebbes found Blessings even in the warnings and dire punishments in the Torah – like in the Toe-Chay-cha in this week's portion.
Chapter 26 Verse 13  (of Vayikra – THE Third Book of the Five) -
"I have broken the bars of your yoke – and made you to go upright" (Soncino Translation- Hertz Chumash).
The Almighty does NOT want us ro be chained and tortured like in Egypt!
The Almighty wants Israel and the world (nature and people) to be in harmony –
like it says:  "the Land will give of it's bounty … "
Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach would say "look into the deepest depths of your heart to understand this portion with Moshiach – Messianic – seeing" – 
It becomes clear that BEFORE the Almighty talks about the punishments  -
he tells us how NOT to experience them - by appreciating the gifts of the Almighty in this world -
And then it states the horrible things that happen when we denigrate the blessings and the bounty of our connection with the nature of Israel – the People and the Land
But then AFTER the "curses" – AGAIN – the Almighty indicates the SOLUTION and the PREVENTION 
of "holocaust-syndrome" – that if we will only dedicate and consecrate things –
 to enforce The Link Between Life and Nature and Humanity 
( thanks Rav Neria zatza"l and thanks Lynn P. for interesting thoughts on this aspect of this portion)
Man and Nature – never the twain shall be connected – except in a SPIRITUAL way! Not an abusive way!
And if they DO – then the world does not suffer the horrors described in the Toe-Chay-Cha.
The Shabbos is the weekly blessing to get us to put balance back in the world.
Gutt Shabbos
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz