
Portion of Vayakhel Pekuday Parah - Celebrate in Shul that We are ALL ONE!

Portion of Vayakhel Pekuday Parah - Celebrate in Shul that We are ALL ONE! 
(Torah thought the week before Israel Elections and for Shabbat Across America-
despite all the accusations directed from one political party to another!)
Why am I giving Kiddush in the Breslov Shul - Elad tomorrow?
The end of the Second Book of the Five Books of Moses depicts a "celebration" -
one by the Almighty - but seeingly NOT one by Am Yisroel - the People of Israel!
Moshe our Teacher finally puts up the Tabernacle in the Desert - but while
it does describe the Almighty showing us Divine Presence in the new Tabernacle -
the pillar of fire at night and the pillar of smoke in daylight  -
it does NOT describe a celebration by the People of Israel!
But how could they not Celebrate?
For an answer think the WAY the Torah teaches us to THINK and APPRECIATE-
the Rules of the Almighty - think in terms of the WHOLE TORAH! 
Starting with Book Number One! 
Would the Almighty visit Abraham if his tent were not open to all?
Would G-d save Isaac if his tent, even in the midst of the Phillistines, was not holy ?
Would the L-rd warn Laban against attacking Jacob if Jacob's camp - the Israel family-
was not doing the will of the Almighty?
Of course not! 
it MUST be full of JOY and Holiness!
So THINK like the TORAH - the page number is not important-
and the WHOLE THIRD BOOK (we start to read NEXT week)  is the connection between the second and the fourth!
See ALL the 5 books as One - and the PURPOSE of the Almighty-
see the 12 tribes as One - with a message for the world-
see Israel and the Torah and the Almighty as ONE - 
a Force to bring Holiness into Reality!
So from THIS portion we go to the Fourth Book - Portion of Naso 
which describes the days of "setting up the Tabernacle"- Actuallythere WAS a party –
12 days the Presidents of the Tribes brought offerings to the Tabernacle –
including  "Zivchay Shelamim" – a type of sacrifices that were to be eaten! 
So it seems there WAS a great party for all the Israelites – a 12 day celebration
(and then preparation for (Passover!) holiday)!
G-d celebrates BECAUSE we celebraete faithfully -
(and in Breslav Elad tomorrow I celebrate the Bar Mitzva Portion 
of both my brother and my son - may they live long and healthy and add to our JOY!)
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz