מתחזקות ביחד בצניעות

Key Tay Tzay -Do you think G-d cheated you? do you cheat yourself?

Key Tay Tzay -Do you think G-d cheated you? do you cheat yourself?

Kids like to say "it's not fair"
Politicians use the "fairness doctrine" words - but do they never cheat? OIY! 

Do you know anyone who's angry at G-d because they feel "cheated"? 

This week's portion says "even shalayma v tzedek ." meaning 
"use a perfect and righteous stone (measurement)".

EVEN is defined as STONE - like the ancients used as weights, 

But does it mean - weights and measures - 
or shall we see in this Mitzva a more broad definition and interpretation, like

"standards" to use in daily life? That is - KEEP HONEST STANDARDS -

SHELAYMA is defined as FULL or PERFECT - or EXACT (as in weights)

Don't over and don't under weigh (judge?) things?

I read a tought from my friend Rabbi Josh Hoffman on the portion- 

"The recognition of this capacity to sink so low 
should bring us to a great appreciation of God’s great kindness in redeeming us from the depravity of Egypt 
and giving us the Torah, which teaches us to set boundaries that separate us from our baser instincts, 
and enable us to reach a higher level of purity and spirituality." 

Really - 24/7 - spiritual standards? Maybe IT's NOT FAIR to hold us to so many standards?!

From Rebbe Nachman we can learn a rule -
Don't put yourself down - just do your best - and know the Almighty gives us WAYS to become holy!

And from Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach -

We ALL have a place in the inside of the inside of us -
a place we RARELY go, and hardly EVER reveal to others-

which is a part of us that is TOTALLY HOLY AND TOTALLY GOOD! 

My interpretation of this is: 

we think things aren't fair because they're hard - but we don't see our OWN INSIDES! 

We just need to breathe a little fire into ourselves,

"the inside of the inside OF US" which is our own even shelayma ...

Preparing for the High Holy Days


Rabbi Andy Eichenholz