קישורים נוספים

Portion of Shelach - "Send out the Spies" or "Bring in the Clowns?"

Portion of Shelach - "Send out the Spies" or "Bring in the Clowns?"

These pearls of wisdom are based on Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach and Rabbi Shlomo Freifeld (both Of Blessed Memory) 

Ever see clowns with a "long frowning face" - while others have a "painted smile"? 

Why did the spies tell the Israelites that they could not conquer Israel from the evil people who lived there? 

Both "Rabbis Shlomo" have suggested it was : 

Because the spies (except for Joshua and Caleb) had low self esteem. 

NO confidence in ourselves - or in G-d's promise and message - will bring on fears. 

The Torah said Moshe Rabaynu (Moses) had a "shining" countenance. 

Despite the other spies' fears Joshua and Calev said "we can do what the Almighty said we WILL do." 

The spies don't believe in themselves - while we are commanded to love the Almighty with our "MEODEHA" (as it says in the SHEMA". 

And IF you believe in yourself - you will give that extra effort (the word is ODE in Hebrew - "more"). 

We need to love Hashem with ODE, and love the Land of Israel with our ODE. 

Shabbat Shalom 

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz