



For   Jews the "end" is always a NEW BEGINNING!
If only the World would realize - a NEW beginning happens ONLY when
you DON'T FORGET THE PAST but LEARN from it!
So I quote here from Rabbi Osher - son of Rebetzin Esther Jungreis -
a Great Lady who survived the holocaust and BUILT ANEW a part of the Jewish People-
and who teaches in Manhattan to this day -
a Great Blessing for the world - may she see joy and be with us to 120 years ...
Love and Shabbos
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz
         This Shabbos, we conclude the Book of Exodus and proclaim “Chazak, Chazak” - “
Be strong and of good courage”.
We also celebrate Rosh Chodesh Adar Beit and Shabbos Shekalim which signals that Purim, the most joyous of all holidays, is just around the corner.
          Throughout this parsha, there is one phrase that keeps repeating itself: “As HaShem commanded Moses...” This phrase is reiterated no less than eighteen times and it is upon this foundation that our sages built the Amidah - the Silent Meditation, which is comprised of eighteen blessings. But the question that we should really be asking is why was it necessary to say, “HaShem commanded Moshe...”? Would it not have sufficed to say that “the Jewish people did as HaShem commanded”? Why the emphasis on Moshe Rabbenu?
          Herein lays the key to Jewish survival - Daas Torah- faith in our Torah leaders. The knowledge had to be transmitted through Moshe so that, for all time, we should look for guidance to our Torah teachers, for that is the only way in which authentic Torah can be transmitted from generation to generation.
           ...to impart to us the sanctity and eternity of the Torah. This is not to say that we cannot be innovative and use our ingenuity, but that ingenuity must also be in consonance with the teachings of Daas Torah - the Torah of Moshe as transmitted through our sages.
            ...           Thus, we can see from all this that every aspect of our lives, from our prayers to our comportment, to our learning, is based upon the Torah that was given to Moshe Rabbenu at Sinai and transmitted by our Torah sages throughout the generations. May we never lose sight of this.
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Osher
This Torah portion is dedicated in memory of
Chaya Golda Feigel Bas Yitzchok
The Hineni Heritage Center 
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