
The Miracle of the Shabbat Candles

The Miracle of the Shabbat Candles 

Based on Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Ta'anit 25a 

One small candlelamp stood in the house of Rabbi Channinah ben Dosa, a Shabbat lamp. Every Friday afternoon it would be filled with pure oil, thin wicks would be placed in the oil, and they would be lit with the blessing, ". . . Who has commanded us to kindle the Sabbath light." 

The Shabbat candlelights would burn with a clear pure light and would illuminate the house of Rabbi Channinah. One Friday evening, just before Shabbat, R. Channinah's daughter lit the Sabbath candles, made the blessing, and accepted the Shabbat upon herself with joy, as prescribed by the Torah. 

Shortly afterwards, the time to go to synagogue arrived, and R. Channinah made ready to go. He took leave of his family with a shining countenance and was about to leave, when he saw his daughter sitting with a sad face. Rabbi Channinah asked her, What's wrong, my daughter? Why are you sad? Hasn't Shabbat already arrived and we should be happy?" His daughter replied sadly, "Oi, Abba, something upsetting has happened. I wanted to fill the lamp with oil, but I was in a hurry because Shabbat was nearly in, and instead of oil, I took the bottle of vinegar! Instead of adding oil, I added vinegar to the lamp and lit the Shabbat candles. Surely in a little while, the lights will go out, when there won't be any more oil in the lamp, and we won't have light for Shabbat any longer! So how can I not be sad?" Her father comforted her and said, "My daughter, what difference does it make to you? The One who told the oil to kindle - let Him tell the vinegar to kindle! 

Both of them the Holy-One-Blessed-Be-He created, and both of them do His will." And indeed, the lamp burned beautifully all evening and all through the night, and even during the following day, the Sabbath candles did not go out, because God did the will of the righteious man, the Tzaddik. Saturday night, after Shabbat had gone out, the candles were still burning, and they continued to burn until flame for the Havdalah candle had been taken from them, and then they went out. 

One has to know that there is no power but Hashem 

There is no such a thing as mother nature there is only mother Hashem Father Hashem 

ONLY Hashem runs the world!!!