
Portion VaYishLach - and the: US EMBASSY OPPOSITE and School across from my office

 Portion VaYishLach - and the: US EMBASSY OPPOSITE and School across from my office

Based on Rabbi Moshe Zvi Neriya - whose Yahrzeit is Shabbat 

 - Jacob bowed down 7 times before his brother Esau
Hoping to save his children from Esau and his army of 400
Over the millenia Israel has learned when to fight - and when not, if it saves the nation!
Some fought in the ghettos - so those saved would be able to re-plant the forests of Israel
(see pictures - Jerusalem hills, Jerusalem schools)
,But sometimes the heroes who saved Israel are forgotten - the heroes who sacrificed or gave in when necessary to save the nation as a whole
Those who gave in to the opressors in the short term - so our long tern -
would outive the evil ones of the world
So we gave in for a while
but now we have no choice - but to save Israel with the war forced upon us
May our soldiers be protected
Love and Shabbat and Healt to all
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz