
Portion of Ha Ah Zee Noo - look at the ight please ...

Portion of Ha Ah Zee Noo - look at the ight please ...
At - Almost the end of the 5 Biiks and 
almost the end of Moses' 120 years
Moshe RaBaynoo is writing and singing again!
According to the Hursch Chumash explanation this song of Moshe -
after the song of the Crossing the Sea
and the Song of the Whole Torah
This song is ALSO for the NATIONS of the WORLD =
"Lookout" he says "because the Almighty will not suffer the abuses of nations 
who watch closely when Israel is sometimes out of favor - perhaps to attack"
like the evil Amalek -
And may the world PLEASE wake up to this concept -
that Israel IS a light to the nations - and all they have to do -
to be the best nations they can be - 
is to
FOLLOW THE LIGHT (as WE should).
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz