
Portion of Yisro - Jethro - and the Women of Israel ...?

Portion of Yisro - Jethro - and the Women of Israel ...?

First the portion states that Yisro - Jethro - came to Moses in the desert with Zipora and Moses' 2 sons,
and then-
The Almighty appears to us and the 10 Commandments are Pronounced!
What's the connection?
Really the Torah is teaching us again that the women are the heroines! 
Here - MOSES' WIFE - ZIporah!
After all -how did Yisro find the Israelites in the desert?
Did he ask pharoah where they were? No.
Maybe he called Moses on his cell phone to ask where they were staying?
(No - he probably didn't have Moses' number).
Did he find the encampment by prophecy? Not likely for an idol worshipper priest!
It must be that Ziporah found them!
(Remember the old joke - that women are not afraid to ask directions?)
SHE GOT HER FATHER TO MOSES - and she rejoined the People of Israel
(remember - she gave her son the Bris in the desert when Moses was called to Egypt-
she was a full partner in the Israelite Traditions since Abraham!)
There is a Torah biktav - and a Torah baal peh
(the written torah - and the oral tora) -
Reb Shlomo used to say - "what's the oral torah? It's the torah that each of us has to add to the torah".
Is it our story? our insight? our teaching?
In my humble opinion the teaching of the past few weeks can be-
Ziporah is the strength of the Jewish Woman - 
Miriam is the song of the Jewish Mother -
Pharoah's daughter is the saving of the Jewish Leader who can teach the Egyptians and the World -
And Ruth is the power of faith in the G-d of Israel - and she is the great grandmother of King David.
So the 10 Commandments remind us to honor our fathers and mothers -
a great Pronouncement - for that time - and still for today!
Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz