
Portion of Mishpatim – SO MANY LAWS! A goat and a widow? Damages or kindness?

Portion of Mishpatim – SO MANY LAWS! A goat and a widow? Damages or kindness?

What is the connection in our portion this week between a goat and a widow? How can the same portion one second discuss laws of damages and in the next laws of doing kindness even to those you may not like??
When Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach sat Shiva for his twin brother he taught us very deep principles of the Tree of Life versus the Tree of Knowledge, things which we can use every day – but I can only mention a couple today.
He said (to paraphrase) that "Tree of Knowledge" things may give you a buzz – but they don't leave a good TASTE in your mouth or in your spirit like (the principles of) the Tree of Life. G-d gave us the Torah to give us LIFE.
Again to paraphrase – He said that when we celebrate Melava Malka – a LITTLE meal AFTER the Sabbath – we are celebrating that GOOD THINGS STAY WITH US FOREVER – the TASTE of the SHABBAT should not be lost.
I (AE) want you to know IT IS NOT COMMANDED IN THE TORAH to  celebrate Melava Malka – a LITTLE meal AFTER the Sabbath – but if you REVIEW the portion the Torah the FEELING of Shabbat after sundown – you get a TASTE OF GAN EDEN, the Tree of Life – heaven on earth.
Reb Eli Chaim (said Rabbi Shlomo of his twin) added those customs that tasted the holiness of Gan Eden – heaven – and lived a heavenly life.
Every Torah law in this portion has a simple – and also a deeper AND TASTEFUL- meaning, whether it is the law not to hurt the widow or orphan, the law not to damage a neighbor's garden, the law requiring doing good for even people you may not like (we're not talking about helping evil here) – and yes-even the Mitzva of giving your firstborn GOAT to the Kohain (for his service as teacher and Temple functionary) -  is a taste heaven.
ALL THESE MANY LAWS – the whole portion -they are a part of the STORY of Israel and a taste of heaven – may we be blessed to study, understand, appreciate, and share the INNER JOY and PEACE we can derive from each of them!
Shabat Shalom

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz
3AM The Eve of Shabbat, in the cold of the New York Exile