
Portion of Korach - based on Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach

Portion of Korach - based on Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach

Laughing is holy healthy and HIGH -
but sometimes it can run away with itself. 

Rabbi Carlebach said Korach's troubles with Moses and G-d started by laughing at the little blue fringes (Tzitzis) G-d commanded to put on a Talis. 

That got him to also laugh at Aron's leadership of the Temple - Aron's running around to make peace between angry people - instead of JUST SITTING HOLY IN THE TEMPLE 

This disdain for the commandment of tzitzis and Aron and then Moses spread to a group of people who wanted the honor of serving in the Temple of the desert - and some habitual discontents - 

causing a mini-revolt in the Israelite camp. 

So the incense burners get burned, the guy who opened up this can of worms got swallowed when the earth opened up a sink hole - 

and nobody was able to laugh for a while - 

" the truth is Mitsvots are not just simply daily tasks, 
mitsvots are mamesh connections to Hashem and its only when I do it correctly how Hashem taught us without compromising, 
... (AND) even a house full of holy sforim (BOOKS) needs this tiny mezuzah 
(THEN) this (IS A ) conection to Hashem. 
(then ) ...WE CAN be (TH) utmost filled with joy.

Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Andy Eichenholz