
Acharei Mot Kedoshim - Boston Balak Bilam and Holiness


Acharei Mot Kedoshim - Boston Balak Bilam and Holiness

Rabbi Simcha Bunim of P’Shischa –(I was there to pray at his tomb- a 3 hour drive from Warsaw )

- says on the portion for Yom Kippur 

(This week's Torah portion reviews the Yom Kippur service in the Temple- 

and also things to maintain the holiness of the people of Israel and the land of Israel ) 

Yom Kippur and Shabbos can share - Torah readings, Haftorahs - 

and can occur on the same day. 

Shabbos and Holidays can share – Chanuka, Passover, etc 

But Shabbos and Tisha Bav can NOT share – if that fast day falls on Shabbos 

it is delayed - "pushed off" - 

beause the sadness of destruction 

cannot interfere with the greatness and liberation and of the concepts of Shabbos 

Rabbi David Aron (of Isralight) reminds us that – 


the WHOLE human being- 

MORE than just MORality 

Rabbi Sholom Arush of Breslav says (from my Bar Mitzvah's Haftora)
the quote "remember what Bilam the sorcerer wanted to do"-
what does it mean? and why not say
"remember Balak the evil king who hired Bilam to curse Israel"

Because Balak openly hated the Israelites -
but Bilam covered his hatered with flowery phrases ...
but deep down he tried to curse Israel

The UN "peacekeepers" are allowing Syrian shooting at Israel from the north.

The latest "Boston Massacre" proves that the world is not ready YET
to have a SHABBOS PEACE, whole-ness or holiness.

How do we get there? Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach would always say -
"Shabbos is the Highest of the High"
"Open your Hearts"
"Bless me and I'll Bless you Back"

Love from Jerusalem 

Rabbi Andy Eichenholz