
Portion Korach: Heaven Hell and in Between

 Portion Korach: Heaven Hell and in Between
Someone pointed out yesterday how many names are mentioned in the opening line
of Portion Korach.
And the Talmud uses the story here to push various "family values."
For instance-in this story a Wife saved her husband from ending up being involved 
with a group of "rebels against Moshe Rabaynu (Moses)"
Sons are saved from another family (see the title of one tehilim "For the Sons of Korach")
And on a trip in the desert,  a Talmud Scholar  is shown by an Arab driver :
the place where the earth opened up and swallowed Korach and his supporters!
And it sounded like a chant was coming from a hole in the ground with Korach leading:
"Moses was Right, Moses was Right".
So was that Korach's  "hell"? Did he have any thoughts of what might have saved him 
from the aweful fate of being swallowed up in a desert sinkhole (read the Portion to find out)
Does everyone have their own concept of hell?
(Remember Dante's INFERNO we had to read in high school?)
Rebbe Elimelech (about whom I am trying to finish writing a book) "loosely"
Teaches us that we can all escape the temptations and the pains of evil either through
Love (Ahava) or Fear (Yirah).
During my tooth extraction last evening (and I wont go into that painful experience)
I tried to concentrate on the positive sides to pain (OIY - did I write that?)
Remembering my own failings with
Dental Issues and dentists-
Going back to my childhood.
Also I tried to focus on things I could
Possibly improve for my family.
On a Spiritual Plane as well!
Did it make things easier? I'm not sure.
But I'm sure the Almighty was demonstrating how one should try
in times of difficulty
 all the
Love and Fear in approaches to the Holy One
Could that have saved Korach and his followers?
I think Rebbe Elimelech would think so.
Have a Wonderful Meaningful and Healthful Shabbat
Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Andy Eiche nholz